SymX on MySpace

myspace is extremely trendy, but the idea of free promotion is really nice. and the idea of free promotion on a trendy site is just too good to pass up, even I have a myspace.
Jaen said:
myspace is extremely trendy, but the idea of free promotion is really nice. and the idea of free promotion on a trendy site is just too good to pass up, even I have a myspace.

yeah I hate the trendy side of myspace, but the pros outweight the cons. I can keep in touch with friends I haven't talked to in ages, and that outweighs all the garbage glam all over that website. Oh and why not free promotion on rapidly growing website?
there are 2 reasons why I signed up for myspace 1) to keep in contact with my friends who I dont live near and 2) to find out about badass music(dark empire being 1 of said bands :rock: :rock: :rock: )
some of you guys make it sound like symphony x owes it to you to not be trendy lol

if they can get heard by more people then more power to the band any of you with bands trying to make it big would do the same thing trendy site or not free promotion is free promotion.:)
The only reason I started a myspace was to keep track of my band's myspace and remember that it exists, and also, because I plan on putting up my own solo stuff eventually.

But Sym X is already friended on my band's myspace.
Metalman7983 said:
some of you guys make it sound like symphony x owes it to you to not be trendy lol

if they can get heard by more people then more power to the band any of you with bands trying to make it big would do the same thing trendy site or not free promotion is free promotion.:)

Exactly. Even if myspace is pretty much a trendy fad eaten up by a bunch of teenyboppers, there are still those who are looking for hidden talent, and it can be found here. I'll be sure to check them out there (yes, I got suckered into myspace recently).
Oh. I see now..... Does that mean I'm one? Because that would just make me feel stupid to be called that.

Trying to get back on topic! Wasn't Myspace originally intended for dong stuff like advertising local bands and stuff? Because if that's the case, I don't see why a band like Symphony X shouldn't have a MySpace, even though they have a website. It's a good way to spread the word to people.
In general I agree, I also hate teenagers with a passion even though I am one myself. But there are a few exceptions out there like me and my friends for example. Whilst preps listen to rap during lunch, we converse about theories and try to elaborate on every subject we can find.
Teenagers are the bane of my existence. And I stand by that belief with all my heart and soul.
Alright, let's not all hop on the ubiquitous "I hate teenagers" bandwagon. We've all been there, or are at least going through it right now, and I'm sure when you (in general) were a teenager, your elders hated you too.

Sort-of back on topic, it's amazing who's on myspace/facebook. I've gotten back in touch with people I went to elementary school with on those websites, which is pretty neat, especially when it comes to people I liked back then. Otherwise it's not so cool :tickled:
Also, with getting back on topic.....

ptah knemu said:
Trying to get back on topic! Wasn't Myspace originally intended for dong stuff like advertising local bands and stuff? Because if that's the case, I don't see why a band like Symphony X shouldn't have a MySpace, even though they have a website. It's a good way to spread the word to people.
the only problem i'm having wiht myspace is people from high school keep trying to add me as friends. I'm like, man, i haven't made a single attempt to get in touch with you in the last 3 years since we graduated, and i didn't talk to you for the better part of the last 2-3 years of high school... why the hell do i want you as a friend when i could have Isaac and Henk and Henri from god dethroned? People boggle my mind.

I admit thoguh, it is funny to read other people's profiles that i went to school with. Makes me think sure i am currently unemployed, not really going anywhere with school, and basically fairly lazy in life all around, but at least i don't have a kid or two and am married to someone i didn't know when i graduated from high school. Sure, works for some people, but fuck if i want that to be my life.
you know, that sounds kinda snoty and arrogant. i mean, whats wrong with having people from your highschool? its JUST myspace, you dont have to keep in touch with them or anything.
If I offended anyone here who is a teenager, my apologies. I should have clarified. I was referring to those teens who just jump on bandwagons just because something is "cool" at the moment, and make others feel like shit if they don't conform. But it's cool, I'm sorry again for any confusion. To all you teens here that love Symphony X, you rock! :)