SyX should really do film music


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2002
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Just had my first listen to the Odyssey (the song). The intro is just amazing, and my first thought was: this could come straight out of a movie or a PC game. The orchestration is beautiful, I really love the classical part. I had similar thoughts when I heard certain songs from V (most notably Trancendence and Breath of Poseidon -Warcraft, anybody?). I think that Symphony X is one of the few bands who can really mix classical stuff and heavy metal together.

Just some thoughts

You know who should to the soundtrack for a fillm? Therion. Holy shit the would be rulish. I think they did some songs for a movie but someone screwed the pooch, go figure.
As much as I love Symphony X, I haven't heard any music so far that would be film-score worthy. The orchestral segues work perfectly as segues on a concept album, but that's it. They're very evocative and panoramic.
But I don't think any songs so far are particularly worthy of being used in a film score. They'd be too over-bearing for that.

That said, I'm sure some of the band are competent enough to undertake a film score, but I'd say that of at least 3 other bands I like.
In many of the liner notes I've read from Symphony X albums, they consistently send the message that they try to create the symbolism of the words in the music. That's exactly what film scoring is. Although, their first movie would probably have to be Heavy Metal (The Prog Years). Since Romeo creates most of the music for the band, he would be a natural for film scoring after his touring days are over (unless of course Symphony X turns rolling-stonish and never dies!).

I think theat Romeo should atleast consider it. He's brilliant, musically, spiritually and technically. He needs to be more well known by his constituents and this aspect could help. He's the mozart of today!
Originally posted by XandDTFan
In many of the liner notes I've read from Symphony X albums, they consistently send the message that they try to create the symbolism of the words in the music. That's exactly what film scoring is.

Hmmm, there's a huge difference; with a concept album, all you have is the album. Maybe with some you have pictures in the album cover, and you can even argue you have lyrics. But it's still primarily an aural art.. The listener can only listen.

With a film, it's primarily a visual art, so you primarily use that to convey your story or message. Film score music should augment the film, not detract from it.
Originally posted by XandDTFan

I think theat Romeo should atleast consider it. He's brilliant, musically, spiritually and technically. He needs to be more well known by his constituents and this aspect could help. He's the mozart of today!

Actually Mozart was the N'Sync of his day, so I'd say that MJR is the Beethoven of today!:cool:

And oh yes, Symphony X could definitely score film music. Maybe if all of my ducks line up, they can score one of mine.:)