T3 Discussion thread: For you who hasn't seen it


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Make yourself a favor: Dont't see it. The first two movies are masterpieces compared to the 3rd. It hasn't got a script at all, and they made it into a action-comedy too :mad:
I think the whole thing's time has come & gone..if they wanted another sequel, they should've done it years ago, it's a lil late now to be trying to revive the whole thing.

Just my $.02, of course, your mileage may vary.
Oh and I love your sig, Crusader..Gary Larson is a genius, I have quite a few of his books & calendars :)
I went to see 28 Days Layer last week and in the theatre next door they were playing T3 and it was so damn loud i hard a hard time understanding what was going on in my movie. But T3 looks like just another retarded overbudgeted action movie and I never real had any intention of seeing it, all it took was arnie saying "She'll be back" and i just rolled my eyes. Is it just me or are their more shitty movies this summer than usual?
I'd only see it if I was gurranteed sex with that evil chick robot. I've always wanted to go at it with an evil robot...ever since that day 7 years ago...
T3 was certainly better than 28 Days. 28 Days was like a cheap ripoff of Resident Evil and 12 Monkeys, but without any of the action or content. It was lame.

At least T3 had lots of entertainment value, I mean who goes to see an Arnold movie for the plot? :loco:
T3 is an action movie. Big guns, big robots, robots fighting, robots with boobs, explosions, car chases, gun fights, and hot chicks. If you werent entertained while watching T3, you must have seen the wrong movie.Who cares if it has a cheesy script [I have enough C4 to blow up ten supercomputers-lolol] and who cares if they threw in a few lame jokes.If there is a greater film concept than killer robots blowing stuff up*, I will eat my pants.

*Maybe killer robot teenage vampire cheerleaders who have a giant showdown with samuri swords against neo.*

*Neo would win

Definitely gonna see it, if not for the plot. The fem robot is hot, arnie's back in the only role fit for his acting talent, and a huge pile of effects.. That's all you need. I like "good" movies, but T1&2 was highly entertaining and I think this will be too.
Lady of the Oracle said:
Oh and I love your sig, Crusader..Gary Larson is a genius, I have quite a few of his books & calendars :)

Yes he truly is, I have quite a respectable pile of Larson magazines in my room :Spin: