Tattoo Thread

What's ridiculous about them? It's just a way of changing your appearance, well, permanently. Like a haircut or cloth style. And in some cases it can be used to state an opinion, like mine. Gross.. I disagree. Fat and/or ugly people are gross. Tattoos is beautiful/ugly/whatever people with art on them.
And then there's that one thing called not giving a fuck what other people think. :>
panzerKunt said:
Fat and/or ugly people are gross.


maybe if i got a tattoo then? :grin:
panzerKunt said:
What's ridiculous about them? It's just a way of changing your appearance, well, permanently. Like a haircut or cloth style. And in some cases it can be used to state an opinion, like mine. Gross.. I disagree. Fat and/or ugly people are gross. Tattoos is beautiful/ugly/whatever people with art on them.
And then there's that one thing called not giving a fuck what other people think. :>

ridiculous- if i want to change my apperance i will get a haircut or a color, not a tatto, because I know that in a long run I will regret it, even if it is a small tatto, in an unnoticable place. Expressing an opinin? Your opinions change, your personality changes, your values change, I wouldn't want to be stuck with something meaningless on my body for the rest of my life.
Gross- yes they are, at least to me. The picture itself may be an art, it depends what is your point of view, but i do not beleive that tracing a picture onto your sking with needle and ink, describes it as an art, or describes a guy working at a tatto shop as an artist. I would rather enjoy art on a canvas or a paper, than to stare at someones back or arm.
Not caring what other people thik??- I'm getting into a business world right now, and a tatto would be unexeptable. I already have permanent fixtures on my body that are not natural and I do regret, and I recognize tattos in the seme ragard as my noticable fixtures. As bobvex said before- good luck getting a real job with a sleeve- it may be appropriate if you are making living playing music- but lets face it kids, which one of us is actually going to take it all to the next level?
Ok thanks for your boring style of living opinion, good luck in enjoying yourself in the real world aaaight! Seems to me your hanging in the rong place girl... Tatoos are in and white skin are out!!

I always wanted a nice phoenix (like on alexis's car) on my back and yes i will find a job with that bitch!!!
I want more than one tattoo, but I can see Kashia's point; I considered that too.
But I still want them. It's a decision and it does limit your opportunities in the job market, but hey, then I have to go on a quest for equal rights for tattooed people...or a job where it's accepted.
There is this dude in my favourite record store (the best I have seen up to now...ever) and his arms are filled up with tattoos. It's your choice; but first consider the pro's and cons of it. I was thinking about some cool old english stuff on my right underarm and some Jae Lee/Rob Leifeld/Dale Keown stuff on my left shoulder...or an adaptation of some stuff....shoulderblade stuff....
DeathPact said:
Ok thanks for your boring style of living opinion, good luck in enjoying yourself in the real world aaaight! Seems to me your hanging in the rong place girl... Tatoos are in and white skin are out!!

I always wanted a nice phoenix (like on alexis's car) on my back and yes i will find a job with that bitch!!!

guess that seling real estate, making a ton of money and owning a large scale record company and events venue in the future is a boring lifestyle. Living costs money. I do not mean to break your drems to you my fellow, but to have what you desire you need to earn that money somehow, and living from paycheck to paycheck does not satisfy me. I will much rather choose desirable income and respect from general public thatn a inked dragon on my arm.
Also who are you to say that I am hanging out in a wrong place? Seems like you are making false judgments based on only one post of mine- I do not spend much time on this board or on the internet in general- i have better things to do, like playing my drumms and going to school.
leprosy said:
ridiculous- if i want to change my apperance i will get a haircut or a color, not a tatto, because I know that in a long run I will regret it, even if it is a small tatto, in an unnoticable place. Expressing an opinin? Your opinions change, your personality changes, your values change, I wouldn't want to be stuck with something meaningless on my body for the rest of my life.
Gross- yes they are, at least to me. The picture itself may be an art, it depends what is your point of view, but i do not beleive that tracing a picture onto your sking with needle and ink, describes it as an art, or describes a guy working at a tatto shop as an artist. I would rather enjoy art on a canvas or a paper, than to stare at someones back or arm.
Not caring what other people thik??- I'm getting into a business world right now, and a tatto would be unexeptable. I already have permanent fixtures on my body that are not natural and I do regret, and I recognize tattos in the seme ragard as my noticable fixtures. As bobvex said before- good luck getting a real job with a sleeve- it may be appropriate if you are making living playing music- but lets face it kids, which one of us is actually going to take it all to the next level?


^^^^ pwnd :lol:
haha just admit it, you'd love to have a tatoo like all the hot chicks :P and respect from the general public LOL, I so hate the general public gosh they are the fools that make britney spears rich!!!I could not give a shit about what the general public thinks of me!ever heard of , respect is earned not given! but thats just me. k enought trouble from you, pm the rest and leave the thread at peace.
No way. This is what one would call: a good discussion.

And pretty much everyone cares what the general public thinks; you're part of it, whether you like it or not. You care that people think you're true metal or not; you care that you deny being influenced by the 'general public'.
I thought I wasn't influenced, but hey, I live in the Western world; it is virtually impossible to be influenced by it in no way whatsoever. And I want a tattoo that looks cool, not just for myself, also as a sort of exposure; hell I can't even see a tattoo on my back.
DeathPact said:
haha just admit it, you'd love to have a tatoo like all the hot chicks :P and respect from the general public LOL, I so hate the general public gosh they are the fools that make britney spears rich!!!I could not give a shit about what the general public thinks of me!ever heard of , respect is earned not given! but thats just me. k enought trouble from you, pm the rest and leave the thread at peace.

I thought i would receive thought out reply from you, not a pile of childish rubbish. I am not going to continue a discussion with twenty some year old kid, using primary school arguments in a discussion such as this one.

let me give you a glimpse of reality- you are part of the general public, you will never rebel against it, yet all you can do is to learn with it and for it, and that general public infulences your everyday life, even if you want it or not.
leprosy said:
ridiculous- if i want to change my apperance i will get a haircut or a color, not a tatto, because I know that in a long run I will regret it, even if it is a small tatto, in an unnoticable place. Expressing an opinin? Your opinions change, your personality changes, your values change, I wouldn't want to be stuck with something meaningless on my body for the rest of my life.
Gross- yes they are, at least to me. The picture itself may be an art, it depends what is your point of view, but i do not beleive that tracing a picture onto your sking with needle and ink, describes it as an art, or describes a guy working at a tatto shop as an artist. I would rather enjoy art on a canvas or a paper, than to stare at someones back or arm.
Not caring what other people thik??- I'm getting into a business world right now, and a tatto would be unexeptable. I already have permanent fixtures on my body that are not natural and I do regret, and I recognize tattos in the seme ragard as my noticable fixtures. As bobvex said before- good luck getting a real job with a sleeve- it may be appropriate if you are making living playing music- but lets face it kids, which one of us is actually going to take it all to the next level?

I got your point but I don't think that my tattoos would ever get something meaningless cos they symbolize a certain period and attitude of my life and even if I'd change completely they'd still be me, kinda like a diary on my skin. Same with scars, even if you regret them they remind you of certain situations you've gone through.
And people who judge me solely by the fact that I have tattoos can fuck off anyway, I'd rather earn less money in a job where people accept me the way I am than a shitload of money in a job where I have to be everything except myself.
But it's a matter of lifestyle anyway so this discussion could be neverending.
Death Pact - Yeah respect should be earned, not automatic, but the reality is, it's not. And tattoo's just make it that much harder (for people not knowledgable about this Particular sub culture) to do. My dad had a saying, "Take a person's IQ, and subtract 10 points for each tattoo he has."

THis kid i knew got a jesus face on his leg, he has a good size kid, but then, after the tattoo, he got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and pretty soon jesus looked like a glob of goo that turned into a scab. It's the same as how i used to look at the punk scene, i used to dress like it, have a mohawk, and all that dumbass shit. But i realized, "I'm not a fucking kid anymore, grow up and get something done." why would you need to tell others what you feel on the inside? Isn't that something you people bash christians over?
well im inteneded to get as many tattoos as possible and yes i will get a real job cause thats why you wear clothes to hide them. tattoo are a way of self expression and they look cool.