very nice, can you tell me a bit about it? what you used for the guitars and drums etc.? i think it could be very insightful.

as i may have already said, aside from some of the reverb (which i think stands out too much for me and could maybe be replaced with a delay acting as reverb instead) this is one of my favourite mixes yet.

Actually on vocals I pretty much use only delay (although very short) and very little verb. I'll see what I can do about it.
yeah that sounds damn good. what are you using for the guitars and drums?

I meant to reply but had no time. My session is a bit complex but to make it simple I use Addictive drums mixed with extra samples for kick, snare and toms (some samples I got from a studio), and I also blended in some DFH room. For guitars I'm using LE456 and Legion with Catharsis and Burny impulses.

I meant to reply but had no time. My session is a bit complex but to make it simple I use Addictive drums mixed with extra samples for kick, snare and toms (some samples I got from a studio), and I also blended in some DFH room. For guitars I'm using LE456 and Legion with Catharsis and Burny impulses.


very interesting, those drums sound really big. I recently discovered the crunchy lovelyness of Legion myself. take a listen to my new mix and let me know what you think. (2011 Remix).mp3
Very cool song, man. There's this alternating L/R guitar part at around 2:42 which sounds super hard to play. Playing is super tight though. Here's my mix attempt:

I made a couple of changes for fun:
During one of the held out power chords, the right guitar plays a chord a 1/2 step or so out of pitch, so pitch shifted it to try to match. (drived me crazy)
During the spoken vocal part, left it as bass/drums only.
Muted part of the solo- thought the rhythm guitar was too cool to drown out....

Guitars are basically Hybrit/Mercurial Left, Hybrit/Lecab 1 Right.
Very cool song, man. There's this alternating L/R guitar part at around 2:42 which sounds super hard to play. Playing is super tight though. Here's my mix attempt:

I made a couple of changes for fun:
During one of the held out power chords, the right guitar plays a chord a 1/2 step or so out of pitch, so pitch shifted it to try to match. (drived me crazy)
During the spoken vocal part, left it as bass/drums only.
Muted part of the solo- thought the rhythm guitar was too cool to drown out....

Guitars are basically Hybrit/Mercurial Left, Hybrit/Lecab 1 Right.

this was interesting!

the chord you're referring to was a deliberately dissonant interval, i can see why it would drive you crazy but i assure you it was intentional. there's a lot going on here now; maybe a little too much. lots of effects and things that would work better on their own perhaps. nice work though, thanks. i appreciate the time spent on this.
this is damn good. i love the guitars. thanks for doing this, it's one of the best i've heard. any chance you could share some of your mixing secrets?

Hey thanks man!

I use revalver MK III with the 6505 and fredman s-pres8 impulse with the tubescreamer before it. I use a lot of buses. I have the 2 mono guitar tracks from Revalver (recorded down), and then run them through a "rhythm" bus. I then compress the guitars to add some attack, then run them into a C6 multiband (rather than eq them too much), and change subtle things about the sound, usually adding more 440hz - 2khz. I then run it through an EQ to add more 80-100 hz (cab weight) and take out some 800hz boxyness, and any other changes that need to be made. I then use another C6 to limit the 4-6k, and 80 -120hz so chugs don't get out of hand. Finally there's another eq to roll off anything about 11k and below 70hz.

Drums are Superior 2 Avatar mixed with Metal Foundry. Then Toms and Snare are triggered live with Slate Trigger, Kick is sampled manually, with 4 samples. All of the rooms, overheads, mono, close etc are run through a "Cymbal" bus, and any direct mic's are run through a "drum bus". I use parallel compression on the direct drums to make them slam hard, a c6 to limit the kick drum in the low end, and with cymbals I eq each track differently and compress them in the bus.

I then have (much like a desk) Bus A, B, C, D and E. A - drums and bass, B - guitars, C - Vocals, D - Harmonies and E - screams. Bus A has a tube simulator and some more slight compression. Then I used Slate F-GX on the master.

It took me ages to get into this mixing setup as I didn't use to use buses as much but it really helps add power to everything and gives more control over knitting tracks together.

That looks like an essay now lol. I totally overhauled the approach I have to mixing in the last few months though so it's great to hear that it's been worth it as my old mixes weren't that great.
Hey thanks man!

I use revalver MK III with the 6505 and fredman s-pres8 impulse with the tubescreamer before it. I use a lot of buses. I have the 2 mono guitar tracks from Revalver (recorded down), and then run them through a "rhythm" bus. I then compress the guitars to add some attack, then run them into a C6 multiband (rather than eq them too much), and change subtle things about the sound, usually adding more 440hz - 2khz. I then run it through an EQ to add more 80-100 hz (cab weight) and take out some 800hz boxyness, and any other changes that need to be made. I then use another C6 to limit the 4-6k, and 80 -120hz so chugs don't get out of hand. Finally there's another eq to roll off anything about 11k and below 70hz.

Drums are Superior 2 Avatar mixed with Metal Foundry. Then Toms and Snare are triggered live with Slate Trigger, Kick is sampled manually, with 4 samples. All of the rooms, overheads, mono, close etc are run through a "Cymbal" bus, and any direct mic's are run through a "drum bus". I use parallel compression on the direct drums to make them slam hard, a c6 to limit the kick drum in the low end, and with cymbals I eq each track differently and compress them in the bus.

I then have (much like a desk) Bus A, B, C, D and E. A - drums and bass, B - guitars, C - Vocals, D - Harmonies and E - screams. Bus A has a tube simulator and some more slight compression. Then I used Slate F-GX on the master.

It took me ages to get into this mixing setup as I didn't use to use buses as much but it really helps add power to everything and gives more control over knitting tracks together.

That looks like an essay now lol. I totally overhauled the approach I have to mixing in the last few months though so it's great to hear that it's been worth it as my old mixes weren't that great.

this is all great advice man, i really appreciate the time you spent. It's what this forum is about! i'll be referring to this for months to come i'm sure
this is all great advice man, i really appreciate the time you spent. It's what this forum is about! i'll be referring to this for months to come i'm sure

Check this video out for some pointers.

It took me a while to change how I did everything, but over the last few months i've evolved this concept for metal. I don't use any of the plugins he suggests now really but I started out there and just worked it for my own use. I've added a whole set of bus' before the A, B, C and D buses for:

Rhythms (I eq these all together, then compress them on channel B later)
Leads (same as rhythms, they go through the same outbut bus)

Guitar FX - delay,

Vocal delay short,
Vocal delay long,
Vocal reverb (also includes sends from the vocal delays)

Drums (all drums apart from overheads - I send room mics here cut off over 6k),
Cymbals (all cymbals and room mic's (other than stated above)

This way I can gel a mix together by simple moving one or 2 volumes and raising the level of the guitars overall, the rhythms, leads... it's amazingly easy to work with once you have it setup.

It takes a shedload of CPU power though to send them through the buses and you will need delay compensation or you're in for a lot of calculating. I use pro tools 9 with it so it handles it fine.

And I appreciate you're reply :). I learned a lot from this forum. Now i've got the hang of something it's nice to give something back
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I gave this one a go aswell, since I've just been getting seriously into mixing the last 3 months this is a welcome practice opportunity.

would like to hear some opinions.

i wish more people would give feedback on stuff, but anyway. here's my thoughts:

pretty damn good! very tight. my biggest issue is the staccato nature of the drums, they could do with some more meat behind them. i know how hard it is though to fatten it all up and keep it tight, you might have heard my failed attempts at this in the above posts. the snare is definitely lacking in fatness. the guitars have a very nice tone, but like the drums are a little thin. only just though, they have a good tight feel, especially for the part behind the spoken vocals... maybe if the bass blended more with it. bass sounds a bit muddy. the vocals are clipping quite a bit.

there you go. hopefully someone else can give you a more educated analysis