Yes, I realized like an hour later that the vocals totally don't fit in clipping like that. Getting vocals to sit nicely in mixes is goddamn hard, especially since I've never really done it. Gonna give it a try again tomorrow perhaps, depends on my time.
The slightly thin guitar tone is hugely due to my settings in the vst ampsim, I really use minimal Gain amounts due to the mentioned tightness.
Thanks for the critique, much appreciated.
now i tryed to make my own drums and did a workaround on the guitars...i like the snare but it is to loud..but overall it sounds a little muddy i guess...

that's a better version:

wow i'm impressed. that's a really tidy mix. everything is very clear and clean. the overall feel is nice. one thing i would say though is the guitars lack a bit of power i think your earlier mix had.
Man, that's a sick song there!

Here's my attempt after around an hour of trial, most of them went into your vocals, they didn't glued at all with the mix, they are still too sibilant for me but anyway, there goes!
Bogner Ubershall simulation into ENGLProV30 cab (Royer 121 and SM57) - Sick Song Mix.mp3

really nice, the instruments go well together with the original drum track. the mix in general could be a little brighter, to bring out the guitars over the bass a bit more. i think you did a good job on the vocals
the guitars in your mix are too much in the front and the drums in the background..also the vocals.

your mix is to roomy for my taste..."rehearsal room" -feeling (don't know if thats the correct english word)..but good..i like the drums

i tryed to make the guitars fatter:

and one with another guitartone:

which one is better you think?
Alright, here's my attempt at your song. My goddamn laptop kept crashing. Thanks, apple. Anyways...

with vocals:
without vocals:

I'll give you specific info if you want it. Thanks for uploading this track, it was a lot of fun to mix. Some of the cymbal parts are probably off, I couldn't make out what was what in the audio files too well.

nice overall feel, i like the roomy feel to it actually but the drums are kinda clicky and the kick is perhaps too loud.
i tryed to give the mix more bottom end...but i can not realley say if it's too muddy now..i got no good monitoring system ..only headphones...thats why i always mix to harsh.

i think the guitars are lacking mids now. it does feel hollow to me somehow now. that snare is pretty nice, personally i like a bit more ring to it or a bit of room reverb or something to blend it in with the rest though.

also, where have the toms gone?
Hello! I'm digging up this thread to let you have a listen to my attempt... I absolutely love the brutality of the song.

Here it is:

Drums track is the original one; guitars are done with Revalver, bass with Acme Bar Gig. I was not able to achieve a powerful grinding guitar tone as I wanted, so I've come up with something classic (not much gain for clarity, and enough mids to cut). I know you might hate it :) Great tracks anyway, very tight playing.
Thanks for digging up the thread UnF, I found out this is a great way to practise my mixing. Nice heavy mix of yours, btw. So, after listening the other mixes, I decided to give this one a try too. I usually don't do deathcore stuff, so it was interesting to try.

I hope it's not too messy hehe, lots of stuff happening there. But since the playing is very tight, it helped.

A little late 'entry', so, for what it's worth. It was fun for me.
Hello! I'm digging up this thread to let you have a listen to my attempt... I absolutely love the brutality of the song.

Here it is:

Drums track is the original one; guitars are done with Revalver, bass with Acme Bar Gig. I was not able to achieve a powerful grinding guitar tone as I wanted, so I've come up with something classic (not much gain for clarity, and enough mids to cut). I know you might hate it :) Great tracks anyway, very tight playing.

i think this is a really strong and heavy mix, i like it. the guitars are like you say, but that's not so much a bad thing. how you've mixed the guitars with the drums is good. the bass is nice and meaty