Dude those guitars sound amazing. Hell yes.

Drums were a bit too clickety clackety for my taste, but everything else sounds fucking amazing!

Thanks, man! I was thinking the guitars might be a bit bright but I went with them anyway... reamping is time consuming.

I was going old school (re: 90's death metal) with the drums... they were clickity clackity then. Twas what I was going for. :kickass:
Thanks, man! I was thinking the guitars might be a bit bright but I went with them anyway... reamping is time consuming.

I was going old school (re: 90's death metal) with the drums... they were clickity clackity then. Twas what I was going for. :kickass:

Fair enough :D it certainly sounds like it'd work for the genre.

From my (very limited) knowledge of death metal, I got a kinda Capharnaum-ish vibe from your guitars, love it!

What do you think of the mix I posted above? i'm very much a newbie with this style, so any advice would be awesome :)
Fair enough :D it certainly sounds like it'd work for the genre.

From my (very limited) knowledge of death metal, I got a kinda Capharnaum-ish vibe from your guitars, love it!

What do you think of the mix I posted above? i'm very much a newbie with this style, so any advice would be awesome :)

Your guitars are a bit honky. I can't hear the bass very well. Drums sound epic... vox are a bit 1k heavy for my personal tastes. Toms are just a touch boomy.

Now, super critical mode aside, your mix sounds pretty damn good for a first try in the tech death realm.
Your guitars are a bit honky. I can't hear the bass very well. Drums sound epic... vox are a bit 1k heavy for my personal tastes. Toms are just a touch boomy.

Now, super critical mode aside, your mix sounds pretty damn good for a first try in the tech death realm.

Thanks a bunch man, points noted! I'll get back to this again when I have a spot of time. Listening again with fresh ears now, you're absolutely correct on all counts.
nevchrist, what interface did you use to record this? this song was very fun to work on, tell me what you think of my mix:


Edit: saw your reply saying you used an mbox. Great song by the way, would have liked the vocal track better without delay.
Hey, I did a rough mix last night but only got round to uploading it this morning, the tiredness took over
Anyway here is said mix, hope you enjoy it!
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Hey, I did a rough mix last night but only got round to uploading it this morning, the tiredness took over
Anyway here is said mix, hope you enjoy it!

sup Olly. I met you once in Lancaster before one of my Patient Zero gigs and i've seen you play with Empires Fade a couple of times.

I did enjoy your mix, it's one of the better ones I've heard but i think it lacks a bit of balls. drums are fat, the snare especially, (slate samples?) and they certainly provide a chunky platform for the guitars, but the guitars themselves are too weak on their own. They definitely could do with some meaty low end. bass sounds good. i know this song is a bitch to mix, ive tried many times.

a few tom and cymbal hits are missing too.
all in all, good show.
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nevchrist, what interface did you use to record this? this song was very fun to work on, tell me what you think of my mix:


Edit: saw your reply saying you used an mbox. Great song by the way, would have liked the vocal track better without delay.

i really like it. very chunky, i think there's a good balance of meatiness and tightness here, (something i find very tricky to achieve) the guitars are great and the drums nice and big too (although some hits are missing here and there) but it has a strange "overall feel". I couldn't explain to you in more technical terms about what i mean but if you were to compare the mix to another you would find the general EQ seems peculiar- not too much but enough for me to be aware of it at least. maybe it's just me, but i think it's a lack of brightness perhaps. sorry for not being more helpful.

EDIT: the vocal track has delay already? it shouldn't do... i'll check it out...
i really like it. very chunky, i think there's a good balance of meatiness and tightness here, (something i find very tricky to achieve) the guitars are great and the drums nice and big too (although some hits are missing here and there) but it has a strange "overall feel". I couldn't explain to you in more technical terms about what i mean but if you were to compare the mix to another you would find the general EQ seems peculiar- not too much but enough for me to be aware of it at least. maybe it's just me, but i think it's a lack of brightness perhaps. sorry for not being more helpful.

EDIT: the vocal track has delay already? it shouldn't do... i'll check it out...

when I compared my mix to different songs I did find that there's a lack of brightness in my mix of this tune. in the master output i could have maybe boosted the higher frequencies a little. I do understand what you mean though, and it appears to be an easy fix. Thanks for the criticism and encouragement, it means alot.

spoken word track has delay on it, but I was fine with that but somewhere towards the end I found delay on the main vocal track. it appeared to spike the volume on the vocal but a little automation fixed that. I generally like my vocal tracks to be more dry in terms of delay/verb.
Mix 2

Here you go man, see if that works out any better for you, I've stuck a bit more bottom end in the guitars to beef them up a bit and brought the bass up a tad in the mix to give it a bit more "oomph". As far as the drums go, yes they are slate samples, and to correct the missing hits I'll have to comb through the midi and listen to the original drums and find out what is missing, the SD 2.0 Midi's don't line up properly with Slate so I had to drag the notes around and recreate it as faithfully as possible. I'll get round to that at some point.
Mix 2

Here you go man, see if that works out any better for you, I've stuck a bit more bottom end in the guitars to beef them up a bit and brought the bass up a tad in the mix to give it a bit more "oomph". As far as the drums go, yes they are slate samples, and to correct the missing hits I'll have to comb through the midi and listen to the original drums and find out what is missing, the SD 2.0 Midi's don't line up properly with Slate so I had to drag the notes around and recreate it as faithfully as possible. I'll get round to that at some point.

I find the vocals a bit too quiet in your mix, and a little too much reverb on the snare for my taste - but that's more of a personal one, I'm just more a fan of dry sounds with snares. Otherwise liking the beefy guitars.
Nevchrist, do I have permission to track some vocals to this and mix/post it on here?
I was thinking about doing gutturals and high pitched screams, I don't know if you're particular to the type of screams you would want for this.

Hell yeah! I'd love to hear that! I have another track (not written by me) from my old band that needs vocals if you feel like giving that a shot too. The lyrics for meditative are here: Lyrics.txt but change them if you want i guess.

here's the other track: Underground without vocals 2011.mp3