Tech - thrash bands


New Metal Member
May 21, 2004
I was just wondering who everyones fave tech thrash or death bands were? into Meshuggah, Cynic, Theory in Practice, Watchtower, Death, Cryptopsy etc..........

If anyone has any recomendations it would be much appreciated!


I said tech thrash and death bands! I would class cryptopsy as tech grind/death.
Yeah I have the key by Nocturnus and aint a massive fan. The Atheist stuff is well hard to get, it goes for about 30 odd pounds on ebay :ill: will look into Coroner tho.
Anacrusis (BTW, you find all their albums, demos and some live-stuff for downloading here:
Sieges Even ("Life Cycle" - the music on this album might remind you of Watchtower´s "Control And Resistance" - and "Sophisticated"; "Steps" and "A Sense Of Change" are very good and technical - especially "Steps" -, too, but they aren´t thrash and definitely not death metal!)
Mekong Delta - "Mekong Delta", "The Music Of Erich Zann", "The Principle Of Doubt", "Dances Of Death"
Hades - "Resisting Success"
Toxik - "Think This"
Hexenhaus - "A Tribute To Insanity", "The Edge Of Eternity"
Atrox - "Terrestrials", "Orgasm" (Though there are also a few "soft" songs on these albums, most of the stuff is very technical and also "thrashy", especially on their latest album "Orgasm". In quite a lot of reviews of "Orgasm", Meshuggah were mentioned as a main musical influence. If you go to, you´ll also find some songs in mp3-format from each of their albums. Of the two from "Orgasm", "Flesh-City" is definitely the more representative.)