Technicality or stupidity?

I agree and for sure it's not the kind of musical you listen to all the time. But they are awesome if you take small doses of them once in a while. ;)
What do we take as technical and what is complex? Are these synonymous terms? There are bands like Necrophagist there are bands like Gorguts. Necrophagist is immediately understood, and yet Gorguts (Obscura) is extremely dense. Is this an aspect outside of technicality/complexity, or what?
MasterOLightning said:
What do we take as technical and what is complex? Are these synonymous terms? There are bands like Necrophagist there are bands like Gorguts. Necrophagist is immediately understood, and yet Gorguts (Obscura) is extremely dense. Is this an aspect outside of technicality/complexity, or what?

I'm still trying to "comprehend" Gorguts - Obscura. Most claim that album to be a gem so I'm giving it a chance but I don't actualy think it is as good as people say. I like the 2 first albums a lot though. But I'd say yes, that is some pretty dense stuff even though it doesn't appeal me that much.

I never heard Necrophagist so I can't comment on it. Are they anything that I should be cheking out?
When you go beyond the technical aspects of bands like Nile and Necrophagist, there's really not much left. Sure, I can understand why people like it - it's enjoyable being blasted away with musicians playing as fast and hard as they can. But once the technical aspects have worn themselves in and they stop impressing me, I find no reason to listen anymore. Besides Vai and Satriani, Gorguts is the only exception to this rule i've found.
I have input. A metal magazine claimed Trivium to be a technical band. What the fuck.

I enjoy Nile a lot, and also Suffocation who have been deemed to be a tech death band
Idunnonuten said:
Some of the most successful technical bands are:
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Between the Buried and Me. Any input?

Most successful?

Since when was Nile technical? They are no more technical than any other brutal death metal band.

Oh and to the person who said Mutilate The Stillborn is stupidly technical, its by far one of Necrophagists catchiest and most memorable songs. Its riffs are too short and too hook filled to just be wankery. Listen to the song next time.
No dude. Don't you remember the parts of Mutilate the Stillborn, both early on and at the very end of the song when he does that ridiculous Neo-classical-ish guitar fill? Plus the part where they do a total stop for at least a full second and then resume playing the chorus? That stuff is totally for show. It is indeed a catchy song, the catchiest on the album in my opinion, but still, it's a bit wanky.

I also think that Nile barely fits the definition of tech death. There's next to nothing wanky about their newest one.
The Neoclasscial bit is as you say, a fill. It is too add interest into a transition from one part of a song from another, everyone does it. This is no different, tecnhnical or not. Oh and even the most bone basic bands use the stop/start. Its nothing wanky.

EDIT: Even if you were correct on these 2 points you'd be calling the song stupidly technical from no more than 10 seconds of it.
Perhaps, but isn't that fill one of the most memorable moments on that album? It always stuck out to me.

There are still many bands which go through an album without a single moment of such wankery.

I still like that album; it's good for what it is, but to argue that it's not a bit indulgent seems foolish to me.
Velvet Creation said:
I'm still trying to "comprehend" Gorguts - Obscura. Most claim that album to be a gem so I'm giving it a chance but I don't actualy think it is as good as people say. I like the 2 first albums a lot though. But I'd say yes, that is some pretty dense stuff even though it doesn't appeal me that much.

I never heard Necrophagist so I can't comment on it. Are they anything that I should be cheking out?
Obscura is incredible.
LordoftheStorms said:
Petrucci sucks, Vai sucks, Malmsteen sucks, Satriani sucks, all those guitar wankers suck. Period.
You named one guitar wanker in total. Malmsteen.

Sure Petrucci fucks around alot in Dream Theater, but his solo work is amazing, as well as that album he did with Rudess.

Vai, well I don't want to get into it, but he makes music that is incredibly beautiful while being technical. He is quite possibly the most talented guitarist on the planet.

Satriani, you were already disproved.
Nile is just middle eastern scale single notes & palm muting. Nile do a hell of a job making sure to fit as much of both in every song & album. The band not use any interesting chords,etc...

Boring & monotonous.