Techno Metal....


Aug 11, 2004
Kutztown, PA
Does anyone know of any bands that sounds like crossbreed, just with maybe a little more synthesis in there music?

and please, i asked this to some other people in this other forum and someone said linkin park. They fuckin blow.. big time, i dont wanna hear of any bands like gay linkin park.
Count Nosferatu Kommando. Sounds like Rammstein doing death metal. Really good and fits perfectly in a car. Try to download the song Apology somewhere... it's pretty hard to find.
I wish more bands would take ...And Oceans' interpretation of techno-metal to the next level. I'm tired of techno-metal being a version of industrial metal with synths. The true dance/club/house vibe needs to be explored. It has a trance-like hypnotic effect to it that is missing in metal.

A band that tried it was Apartment 26, and their first album worked pretty well with the breakbeats and such. Same for newer Pitchshifter.

More techno, less metal.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I wish more bands would take ...And Oceans' interpretation of techno-metal to the next level. I'm tired of techno-metal being a version of industrial metal with synths. The true dance/club/house vibe needs to be explored. It has a trance-like hypnotic effect to it that is missing in metal.

My god, please no.

It seems to me that there are metal bands around with "trance-like hypnotic effects," that somehow avoid being dance music.