TEE babes

it was a criminal movie....maybe SUICIDE KINGS....

But yeah,we haev lots of options on the mail. I could have sent it for a 3 month trip on the water, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, overnight(for a HUGE FEE)..etc.

Ill send ya another package on a week or so. Take the time to browse and get the good stuff on cd.

I still haevthe reciept for the mail...it seems they didnt charge me properly. They only charged me forteh postage, anddidnt charge me for teh rigid bubble package. IM gonna have to stop in with teh recipet and pay them for the package. Its just like a dollar, but hey, its their dollar. They will get it. After all, i am an honest guy.

DAMN, your hair is BLACK in that pic. Good tone, and shine.
yeah, and the shine in the eyes. LOL that's a pretty fresh one, 3 months ago. (now the hair is red)

a dollar? here it was 8. and they charged me right. LOL

hey, more CD's? met will become :loco:
well, the postage, they did charge me for. It was 3 dllars 80 cents. ...$3.80 . the totle price should have been 4.80 plus a few cents. Since they made a mistake thatill haev to fix.

5 full cd's with paper cases.

It usualy cocts me around 10 dollars to send to rebirth. I sent him one package so bug that it costed 24 dollars for postage.

RED HAIR? Give us a pic (or at elast give me one)
he likes any colour... blonde the most.
the 'problem' is that yahoo won't accept that kind of a pic. (I took it right on spot, in front of the comp, sent it to Neverlady, but nothing with yahoo...)
iT will be my mums address. I dont know it right off the head. Ill have to get it from her. I dont have the address cause i see her nearly eveyday. I have no need to mail her you know hahaha.

I like dark hair the best
ugly slavic? haha, do you haev an example of ugly slavic?

SPeaking of hair.

My beard is too short as i trimed it last night. Got a gig tommorrow. The beard was as long as my hand almost hahaha.....big hands too.
rebirth has his own tastes i suppose. We have lots in common, but what i call good looks, he doesnt, what he calls good looks, i sometimes agree with.

On the beard...i could never stand the ZZtop beard for me. I was pushing it looking rough enough as it was hahaha. It was sticking out everywhere. My head hair looks way longer now. My chin looks very small.

ITs nice to see your real chin line every now and again. I think im gonna keep it short for a while this time though.
If you mean your chin, nahhh, its not pointy in bad way.
Hey, that slavic color you were speaking of, is it like teh color of your hair in the pic with you and miss neverlady? (of which, i see she came back)

ok, that would be it.