Tell me how my track sounds and let me know what i need to FIX!!!


Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
Hey guys! I just kind of finished a song with a band and heres the song (NO VOCALS YET!!!) Its an mp3 of the song (Live in Fear Die in Fear is the name of the track). And I think my guitars sound like shit and I just cant get them sounding any better..... ARG!! Let me know what yall think and help me out. ALSO, im a "layman" and not to understanding in the home recording lingo so if you can dumb down your explanations for me that would be great, THANKS GUYS!!!
Guitars are way to dark (IMO). When I say "to dark" I mean give them more highs and/or presence man. I think the guitar tone is fine, a smidgen more gain than I would use though.

Not diggin the kick sample honestly. To flubby sounding.

Snare sounds good to me. Cymbols and bass seem okay as well, but I would eq the guitars so the bass doesn't fight with them as much (in other words some of the lower frequencies in the guitar sound like they are stepping on the frequencies of the bass).

Good luck.
Are they not double tracked?
Well I have them dual miked do you mean having the guitars playing with it again? As in for the one guitar part there would be 4 tracks? (dual mikeing two takes) Then if thats it then NO i didnt lol. Im still learning and kind of suck at this whole recording thing lol. I need like a tutorial video from start to finish and have it dumbed down because I dont know recording lingo lol. Noob here lol.
Mix in General - The drums are a bit quiet, and I'd probably say turn the bass down slightly, but that may be something to do with the guitar tone as well.

Drums - Snare sounds alright, I'd definately change the kick, as it sounds INCREDIBLY clicky, If you have a look about on the forum you can find a shit-load of free kick samples that people have posted. If you don't already have Drumagog or Aptrigga then get one of those and replace the kick. GubbKuk posted some awesome kick samples a little while ago here:

Cymbals don't sound terrible.

Bass - I can't really hear what's going on with the bass tbh, sounds a bit muffled, I'd probably give it a bit of a mid boost and maybe add some overdrive, if there isn't any already.

Guitars - What are you using to record the guitars? +1 to what GuitarGodgt said about the treble/presence and gain.
Guitars - What are you using to record the guitars? +1 to what GuitarGodgt said about the treble/presence and gain.

Well as for the guitars im using Logic Pro 8 with my Alesis IO26 Interface. One mic (SM57) is on the dust cap of the almost near the center on a slight angle and the other (Audix i5) is like 6 inches back straight in slight off center from the amp. And thats about it. I havent EQed or barley compressed anything...... mainly cause I dont know what to do....... I need tutorial videos lol.