Originally posted by Opet
I thought for a moment you might think that. Then I thought "Nah! He knows I like it. He must!" I guess I was wrong.
You can stop guessing.
I figured you liked it all, but yet my own insecurities kicked in and, uhm, gave me shit.
like the lyrics. I wondered if you decided to write them or not. I remember you doubting yourself in a way. That you'd be too picky to be happy with what you came up with.
Yeah, eventfully I ended up writing the lyrics for this particular song, as well as three other. I'm not TOO happy about the lyrics, even though I've gotten nothing but good feedback (except the few things pointed out by Wanderingblade, kudos to ya mate!)
I should have remembered that. I didn't mean to make you think otherwise. I like them because it's not a common phrasing of words (to me).
Heh, I certainly don't hope anyone thinks THAT sort of stuff is part of my daily vocabulary. Like, /console, *exec english.cfg*... yes, I did resort to an online dictionary when I couldn't find the proper equivalent for the Finnish word I was thinking of.
Excessive information? I was just venting.

I'm better now. Seeing how I got your attention, what's up next on the record with vocals list?
Hheheheh, it was excessive information only for my drunken brain, and I'm still really PLASTERED! Uh, I hate replying to stuff when hammered.... uh yeah, ANYWAYS!
Next up on the list is: the quest whether we'll get signed or not! We've received an offer from A Recording Company some time ago, but it was only today (or yesterday, or tomorrow, depending on where you live) that we sent the papers back. If we don't hear anything... well, then we'll probably kill ourselves.
Oh, I mean that we'll record all songs at home (PROPERLY, this time) and try to get signed to another label. Yah right.