The Absolute Mastery of THALES

Originally posted by Misanthrope
What i noticed is that people prejudges hatefull people putting stupid little stereotypes like "they must listen to metal" when in reality they are fucking tired of the genre and are listening to jazz and other things lately.



I deny this to my grave. I do.

Metal. METAL. Jeans and leather!
Originally posted by Satori
Marko, holy FUCK! I hadn't heard you sing before, though Orchid had mentioned you were amazing, damn, I didn't realize how he was being somewhat modest about you. I had no idea you were that amazing. You have such a gritty/angry and yet smooth quality to your growling, and such a range of inflection and feeling, so much control. Shit! SHIT!!! I fucking love your clean vocals too, so beautiful and mournful, pure poetry in motion. Beautiful melody on the clean stuff, simply beautiful. Such cool timing on the death chanting/screaming. A true talent like yours is something to revere and admire, and I really do, and I just hope I was able to express how much.
Ummmh. Gee. Thanky. But watch it with all that, pee may start flowing outta my ears :)

Stay positive, keep playing, stay together (you guys are such a great combination of all the right stuff).

I´m....actually not in the band anymore....
Originally posted by Misanthrope
What i noticed is that people prejudges hatefull people putting stupid little stereotypes like "they must listen to metal" when in reality they are fucking tired of the genre and are listening to jazz and other things lately.
I'm starting to get pretty sure that you don't even listen to jazz, since you're always mentioning it...
I guess you think people will mistake you for a better guitar-player if you keep talking about scales and jazz...
Wow, nice song, great atmosphere. The growls are just a little too high in the mix, let the guitar do the work since thats the best part of the song.

And by the way, for people claiming them to be an opeth clone, the passage 7:34 - 8:00 is as good if not better than anything opeth has done before.
Whoa. What an insane thread, in almost every aspect. :)
I guess a nice, warm-hearted thank-you is proper. Lurve you too, Missy.

Hmm. We've encountered an abundance of problems, so it'll probably take close to forever before we release a "real" album. I dunno, I'm sort of tired of it all.
Originally posted by Satori
That fuckin sucks
Luckily, he sings for Farmakon, so you can still hear him!!

Very tidy stuff. Get the new version of My Sanctuary In Solitude ( i think tahts what its called)... you'll love it!
Originally posted by Downfall
I'm starting to get pretty sure that you don't even listen to jazz, since you're always mentioning it...
I guess you think people will mistake you for a better guitar-player if you keep talking about scales and jazz...

What should i do know go outside the door and burn all my jazz cds crying cause you dont believe me? forget about all the harmony stuff i learned and use on my songs? you are truly one of a kind :grin:

On a side note im good at shredding but i never said i was a good composer or a technically gifted guitar player, hell ask anyone who knows me knows i consider myself lousy at guitar, i dont know where do you get that "want to look as a better guitar player" stuff, specially because a jazz guitar player can be as good or as bad as any other guitar player of any other genre.
Not a bad song... but it's too long. No point in making long songs if they can't keep your audience's attention... Vocals (clean+death) are a lacking in strength and conviction. Pretty tight band though.
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
Wow, nice song, great atmosphere. The growls are just a little too high in the mix, let the guitar do the work since thats the best part of the song.

And by the way, for people claiming them to be an opeth clone, the passage 7:34 - 8:00 is as good if not better than anything opeth has done before.

LOLOLOL...that little passage sucks nuts. There's nothing good about it whatsoever. It sounds like a mix of recycled opeth and old mans child along with a heavy dose of lack of talent.
The more I listen to the song I see that it's just useless wanking. I don't like it one bit. Farmakon is quite unique though, and moreso just plain kicks ass.
Originally posted by IanDork107
LOLOLOL...that little passage sucks nuts. There's nothing good about it whatsoever. It sounds like a mix of recycled opeth and old mans child along with a heavy dose of lack of talent.

You seem to have trouble differentiating between what is fact and opinion, but don't worry, so do most people so you are square in the majority on that one, a true commoner, now don't you feel special? ;)

Regarding the "lack of talent" line, I'm sure you can play guitar or drums way better than these guys, or you can at least sing/growl much better (cough, cough). Maybe you'd like to post a link so we can hear the magnitude of your own talents? You'll forgive us if we don't take your word on that, won't you?

Originally posted by Satori
You seem to have trouble differentiating between what is fact and opinion, but don't worry, so do most people so you are square in the majority on that one, a true commoner, now don't you feel special? ;)

Regarding the "lack of talent" line, I'm sure you can play guitar or drums way better than these guys, or you can at least sing/growl much better (cough, cough). Maybe you'd like to post a link so we can hear the magnitude of your own talents? You'll forgive us if we don't take your word on that, won't you?


though I agree Dork's comments were out of place, I have to differ with what you've said here. first of it all, talent is a natural ability. good guitar and drum playing can be achieved through hard practice, even for a severly "non-talented" person. and technical aspects are nothing in comparison to songwriting ones, anyway.

second, don't be a hypocrite. do you have to be a cook to criticise a meal? or a film maker to criticise a movie? the "you couldn't do it better" argument just fucking gets on my nerves every time I hear it. come on Sat, you're smarter than this.
Originally posted by Satori
You seem to have trouble differentiating between what is fact and opinion, but don't worry, so do most people so you are square in the majority on that one, a true commoner, now don't you feel special? ;)

Regarding the "lack of talent" line, I'm sure you can play guitar or drums way better than these guys, or you can at least sing/growl much better (cough, cough). Maybe you'd like to post a link so we can hear the magnitude of your own talents? You'll forgive us if we don't take your word on that, won't you?


Would it make you happy, oh powerful one whose own opinions are the only ones that matter, if i always put IN MY OPINION by every post? Well, In my humble opinion, you're a stupid twat with taste for only recycled garbage.
Originally posted by Claire's Horror
second, don't be a hypocrite. do you have to be a cook to criticise a meal? or a film maker to criticise a movie? the "you couldn't do it better" argument just fucking gets on my nerves every time I hear it. come on Sat, you're smarter than this.

Not so, and I believe you are reading a little too deeply into what I said, and I will explain:

I, for example, am very cautious when I talk about things that are in the realm of objectivity, which is why I have no problems saying that I think that Beyonce chick from the pop group Destiny's Child is a fucking *amazing* vocalist. She is. Do I like her and buy her albums? No, but that doesn't change the cold fact that she can sing fucking circles around most people, and this fact exists independent of how much someone likes or doesn't like her.

Our new friend Ian on the other hand seems unable to make such a distinction, and so do most people for that matter, so it's not I've made some huge insult.

Aside from this, there is no "lack of talent" here, these guys CAN play and that's so fucking obvious. I'm not saying that any of them could join the group Yes tommorow or anything, but saying "lack of talent", that's just fucking innane and obviously a load of crap.

The "can you do better" line was only served to demonstrate this. Someone can critique a meal or a movie, I don't have any problem with that, but to suggest that the person responsible for the production of that meal or movie has a "lack of talent" is simply foolish if and only if that meal is or movie is complex in nature and so obviously well executed, and also, if and only if the person making the comment IS himself a cook or a director who ACTUALLY HAS A FUCKING CLUE about what is involved in the prodution of such a product and what CONSTITUTES TALENT in that area. Clear as mud now? We can only hope.

You'll probably recall me saying that I think that Dream Theatre sucks donkey dick, and that they make me want to vomit. Do you recall me saying that they are lacking in talent? I wouldn't even say that fucking Greenday is lacking in talent, for all I know, they could be fantastic musicians who simply play simple stuff cuz they like it.

Maybe the words of Neil Peart could demonstrate this for everyone: "There came a time in my life when I realized that there was a lot of music which I liked which wasn't very good [techinically], and there was a lot of music which was really good which I didn't like." The wisdom to make this differentiation is what I am saying.

Do I expect everyone here to have the intellect to grasp this? No, especially not in this forum, which dispite the common misconception is a pretty accurate representation of the world on the whole. But I felt the need to point it out, for those that do.

Originally posted by IanDork107
Would it make you happy, oh powerful one whose own opinions are the only ones that matter, if i always put IN MY OPINION by every post?

Actually, it would neither make me happy or unhappy, but thanks for asking ;)

Well, In my humble opinion, you're a stupid twat with taste for only recycled garbage.

That's a little better, and I suppose for you it's outstanding, however, you have made a snap judgement based on insufficient data and now you'll probably cling to your innane presumption because of your fear of being wrong. So typical.

Not that I expect you to understand, but saying something like: "in my opinion this is lacking in talent" is an idiotic statement because talent (ie. chops, the ability to play chords, beats, screams) exists mostly in the realm of the objective, that is, either someone can play or they can't and this fact exists independently of what we think of it personally. Some of us can make this distinction but most of us can't. I think it's pretty obvious which side of the fence you are currently residing.

Hopefully you have learned something, and I'm sure you have, though I suspect you are probably still a little immateur just yet to acknowledge it, which is also very typical. So I think your best bet is to stick with what has worked for you so far, that is, resorting to presumptions and name calling to make up for your lack of insight. Now please demonstate this some more so we can all enjoy your inadvertant humour ;)
