jag tänkte att gå dit...men vill inte gå ensam och bjlietter kostar 150 kr...och dessutom känner jag inga av denna banden...
18.30-19.00 -Blowsight 19.30-20.00 - Gemini Five 20.30-21.00 - Crash Dïet 21.30-22.00 - One Man Army and the Undead Quartet 22.30-23.00 - Babylon Bombs
Hey, I appreciate Dan too. Whenever I showcase Katatonia to people they always make note of some of the crazy drumming in some of the songs. It just feels different, in a good way of course.
Which songs do you think feature the best drums? I think wealth is definitely one of them in terms of complexity.
Kind of off topic, but who here besides Deliverance is in North America?
About the drums. About every song on Viva emptiness is quite "complex" in Katatonia terms
Besides VE; I'd say "Dispossession", and "Teargas".. Nothing special about the drumming on those two songs really, but I just like the drums on those two songs.
Not to mention the drumming on FFTC hahaha... Drum machine fo' life :]
Yeah I agree with you Otto on the fact that VE features more complex drumming than their previous releases. Even still, like you mentioned Disposession, there's a really nice sound that comes from the drums and I don't know if its just my perception skewing it that way. They just seem to have more "oomf" than some other music I listen to. I guess that has to do with the production and whatnot. I guess I can't describe it too well.
Complicity strikes me as well with the durmming. Great symbol and top hat work (if those are the correct terms).
Hey burton, do you ever vacation? I mean, you live in Hawaii.......where else do you need to go?