That "Clayman" sound....

Nordstrom has a Focusrite ISA430 Producer Pack, and an ART MPA Pro for mic pres -- oddly, I've seen pictures where the ART is getting used, but I'm guessing the Focusrite is probably more heavily used. There are pics where it looks almost certain that he has a Focusrite Big Red One, although it isn't listed on his site. Plus, he may be using Pro Tools for this, although he has stated that he prefers to do as much analog as he can, so I'm thinking, why would he let the ISA go to waste?

It seems like the 'Gothenburg' sound gets the Engl cab -- the question already raised here is whether it has the v30s or the v60s? On Colony, for instance, that sounds like 30s to me...
What kind of tubes are you running in preamp & power sections and/or have you had the bias mod done?

errrr nothing of the sort!!! lol its an Original O.G 92 block letter model, really not sure what the tubes are actually!!! never really checked after it got serviced. I know it sounds incredible though!!. haha.

Tell you what, as thats probably the most useless and unhelpful reply ever, i'll have a look later and find out!

The lead channel is awesome for... errr lead coz it cuts through really nicely, but im just not a fan of its top end for chunky rhythm. But then again i dont think the stuff i play is quite as metal as a lot of the guys on here so it works nicely for me (theres still plenty of elements of it though; otherwise why would i be on this forum!! :) )

Aria said:
Nordstrom has a Focusrite ISA430 Producer Pack, and an ART MPA Pro for mic pres -- oddly, I've seen pictures where the ART is getting used, but I'm guessing the Focusrite is probably more heavily used. There are pics where it looks almost certain that he has a Focusrite Big Red One, although it isn't listed on his site. Plus, he may be using Pro Tools for this, although he has stated that he prefers to do as much analog as he can, so I'm thinking, why would he let the ISA go to waste?


i think nordstrom has a trident board for pres as well.
is it just my 5150 or is the green channel in general way too muddy and undefined for rhythm work without a boost?
when using a boost and the gain between noon and 1:00, it SLAYS, but without the boost it's flubby as hell, even though the general consensus seems to be that the green channel is much tighter than the red channel.
Aria said:
Nordstrom has a Focusrite ISA430 Producer Pack, and an ART MPA Pro for mic pres -- oddly, I've seen pictures where the ART is getting used, but I'm guessing the Focusrite is probably more heavily used. There are pics where it looks almost certain that he has a Focusrite Big Red One, although it isn't listed on his site. Plus, he may be using Pro Tools for this, although he has stated that he prefers to do as much analog as he can, so I'm thinking, why would he let the ISA go to waste?

It seems like the 'Gothenburg' sound gets the Engl cab -- the question already raised here is whether it has the v30s or the v60s? On Colony, for instance, that sounds like 30s to me...

He uses a Marshall cab with V30's too, I wonder which one he uses more?
Fragle said:
is it just my 5150 or is the green channel in general way too muddy and undefined for rhythm work without a boost?

I've noticed the same thing as you. For rock / punk rock I use the green channel without a boost because it's generally fatter sounding...
I experimented with the Fredman dual mic technique with a SM57 and E609 and I came to the conclusion that it doesnt do much for me. I doubt you can get a sound with it that is dramatically different from using a single 57 at the right spot. I listened in the control room to what is going on when you move the mics and had the phase of one of them inverted. To me it was impossible to place them in a way where they are completely in phase and you hear silence. The only nice thing is that you can move them arround in order to filter out nasty resonances and unpleasant frequencies and that sounds kinda more natural than killing these frequencies with EQ. Bottom line to me is: I could imagine that Fredman and Bob Rock record that way in order to have more flexibility in mixing later or to remove certain frequencies and not because it gives a fundamentally different ( "CLAYMAN";) )sound.....In fact I came way closer to Bullet Ride with one SM57. Who knows if Fredman used both mic's signal in the end at all....:err:
Does any one else think that way or did I do something wrong? What did you look out for in aligning the two mics in terms of phase?

Another question: Does anyone know for FACT that 5150's and V30's were used for Clayman? Fredman only talks about his Savage 120 in most interviews I found....
It doesn't work for you probably beacause of the difference between the two mics. You will always have unwanted cancellations. It's logical.
You're right. I thought about that as well. BUT:
1. Most people in this thread used different mics and were happy with the effect
2. As long as you dont use identical mics at the EXACT same position you will always have some frequencies canceled....or not?
Ummm... the e609 silver pretty much sucks. Dual 57's are the way to go... If you go back about 7-8 pages, DL my clip & check out what it sounds like.

Yes, there are some cancellations, that's kinda the point. What it's taking out is some really, really nasty fizz in the upper end, as well as some of the extreme bottom. It's a great technique, and I haven't used anything else since I learned it. But, it is difficult to master. It took me 3 days locked in the studio until I got it right. Ask my wife, apparently I turned into a miserable son-of-a bitch for those three days. One thing to remember: A tube screamer, in this instance, will work AGAINST you. So, if you're using one, lose it.

Another idea: go buy another sm57 and play around with it for a few days. If you still can't get it right, take it back, or hold onto it... you can never have too many 57s.

you can never have too many 57s.

Ditto to that mate!!

is it just my 5150 or is the green channel in general way too muddy and undefined for rhythm work without a boost?
i think that all depends on your axe and cab really; for me with my S.G and orange 4x12 it is perfect on green.... the red just has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much gain for me too, i cant find the sweet spot.. i think its some where between 1.5 and 2! lol
Thanks Nimbus! I already tried listening to your clip but it is down. Can you repost a link that works?

Concerning the E609 Silver: It is definately not a bad mic. It sounds great on snare and I did and heard many great guitar sounds recorded with it. I still prefer the 57 for guitar, but the E609 is far from being bad in my opinion. What do you dislike about it?

Yes, there are some cancellations, that's kinda the point. What it's taking out is some really, really nasty fizz in the upper end, as well as some of the extreme bottom.

What it cancles depends on the placement though....does that mean you aim for getting rid of the high end buzz/fizz when placing the mics?
Ah yes, I changed servers & had a website redesign, so things aren't all in the same directories anymore.

Ok, here goes.

I have made several more minute improvements over the tone in the last few months... mostly due to changing the power tubes & getting a bias mod done.... now the top is even smoother! :)
GuitarMaestro said:
Just realized a little mistake: I was talking about the the silver/black 606 NOT 609....:loco:

Ummm... haven't been able to find anything about a 606. There do seem to be three variations on the mic. The e609... the e609 silver (silver/black one) and the new e906.

Which one are you talking about?
OzNimbus said:
Ah yes, I changed servers & had a website redesign, so things aren't all in the same directories anymore.

Ok, here goes.

I have made several more minute improvements over the tone in the last few months... mostly due to changing the power tubes & getting a bias mod done.... now the top is even smoother! :)
I humbly request more palm muting.

Thank you.
I was working on something last night: After reading that "Heartwork thread" I've expanded on a few fronts & it's sounding pretty cool... hopefully there'll be a clip up soon.

YES, Nitro, there's tons of palm muting. :headbang: