That "Clayman" sound....

@ll: Thanks :)

@Oz: haha yeah about the picture, the thing is I didn't use the flash (cause it looks like shit with it) so I must not move while the picture is being taken, and I don't have a camera stand, so I did fuckuss, but I just moved :D
It's the standard cab. I wanted to buy the oversized one but it wasn't available in store when I needed it so I took this one.

@Kev: "What about your son? Do you give a damn? What about your daughter? Do you give a damn? Daddy-oh!!!" No I didn't record any Freak Kitchen album, just some live shit :)
Hello !

I have been searching for Andy`s C4 setting but he has removed the file from his server so all the links I´ve found so far are dead. Can someone please post it here again ?
yeah Brett, that first clip does sound awesome... but holy shit you must have had to dig a hole it's so low...:worship:
To-Mera are tuned to B (7 strings), I think Hypno5e are in A but I'm not totally sure though...
Reverb on To-Mera ? I think it was a plugin called Ambiance, really good (donation-ware) but quite CPU hungry. Reverb on Hypno5e was SpaceDesigner (Logic Pro plugin).
Well, here we are a year later, & I think I've finally got this technique down. This was a BITCH to learn, but well worth the effort.

Here's a short demonstration clip for those interested......
Dual 57 test clip

Not exaclty "Clayman" (and that's fine. I don't want to sound 100% like In Flames) but it's what I've been after for years....

Sounds very nice, the only thing is that I'm not used to hearing the 'sizzle' sound like that, it's much more in-your-face than what I'd usually get out of one 57. Pics?

Sounds very nice, the only thing is that I'm not used to hearing the 'sizzle' sound like that, it's much more in-your-face than what I'd usually get out of one 57. Pics?


That's kinda the whole point. A single 57 is fine, but it's much more fun with two.


The condensor in this pic wasn't used on the above clip. I use it for clean stuff only.

hey oz that clip sounds pretty damn good..if you dont mind me asking, what pre's are you going through and did you use any eq on that track?
The preamp was a Vintech dual 72. Lately, I've been prefering it over the Great River MP2NV for heavy rhythms. But let's not go banannas over the preamps... The guitar itself had far more to do with the sound. It was a Schecter Hellraiser. (yes, the "Hellraiser testdrive" clip is the same. The topics are related.) But i'm quite sure you could get a great sound with the right guitar & inexpensive preamps.

There was post EQ involved: A little dip at 250 or so, slight boosts at 3&5K, and a 9K rolloff to kill the fizz. A touch of multiband in the mud zone as well.

ok so i'm not nearly as talented as you guys. mainly cuz im a total N00b at this whole recording thing. i have a studio with a bunch of stuff in new york but im new at mics and that whole thing. ive yet to get a great tone.

i responded to a post this morning by OZ about his latest mix and askled him what he meant by the "clayman sound" he linked me to this amazing thread.

boy he told me i had a lot of reading to do. after reading the whole 11 pages worth and listening to clips and following more links i got an idea of how this works. the mic positioning and decrease the center mic volume in the mix...

so here goes. this was double tracked. and improvised riff so timing was off but whatever im not going for the grammy. this is by far the best any of my recordings have sounded.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND IM NOT SHOWING OFF PLAYING. there are 2 tracks. one is just guitars same volume and everything as the other one and the other one has ME playing drums and bass. i am not les claypool and i am not mike portnoy so cut me slack on the drum and bass playing. i'm a guitarist not a bass/drummer...

there was absolutely to COMPRESSION or EQ AT ALL. (except drums [hi hats/ snare, kick]) guitars are dry as old lady after menopause.

please note that the center mic was a sennheiser e609 and the offset one was a sm57. i have another 57 but wanted to try with the 609. i turned the volume down on the 609 since it was centered....

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