That "Clayman" sound....

hi guys

i think you'll kill me - but i don't like this technique - it sounds boomy

it really presses on my ears - i heard all the tracks from here - so heres my opinion)

maybe thats because of quad tracking, which i don't like

That's fine, although like the others I'd question your setup as these are tighter than a lot of single-mic clips I've heard around here. Try playing with it yourself, if you can - even if you don't like the sound you'll learn about phasing better than you can have it explained to you on any message board.

))) as i said nobody's understanding me))) hehe thats ok i think)

boomy is wrong word

the technique is good. but i dont like it)
can someone who tested this technique upload a sample with unprocessed guitars only? I would like to compare these with the ones I recorded recently, just to see if it's even close to what I want to accomplish and how much it differs from your approaches ;-)

are they using the fredman technique on the new soilwork?
OzNimbus, that last clip you posted is incredible. :headbang:
You have convinced me to put a more thorough effort into using this method.

Would you be willing to post that clip with the guitar sound only? I'd love to have a bare bones clip to compare my results against.
did any of you guys try this technique at a live performance?
how did it work?