That "Clayman" sound....

Yeah, the point was that some things don't need them. They're a useful tool to have, but they aren't going to do everything and good results can come from not using them.
whats your guys veiw on the BBE sonic maximiser personally i dont play without it anymore. allthough ive found it makes mesa sounds like a cheap distortion pedal.
Yea im not a fan of the BBE sonic max, from what ive heard it makes cheap crappy amps sound better and good tube amps sound hit or miss depending on what kind, and I think i have to agree with you about the mesa thing, cus everyone was telling me how awesome they were so i bought one a while back for my recto and it sounded like shit haha

Im going to possibly pick up another sm57 tonight, i was messing around with the dual on/off axis micing technique yesterday but with my sm57 and a Sennheiser 815s (lol i bought when i was 14, sounds terrible on guitar amps)

Im also going to try this with my marshall 1960 4x12 cab, its in the basement right now and i was using my mesa 2x12 which sounds too muddy to my ears.
I tried this mic'ing with my friends Laney VH100R and I didn't really get that good results compared to how I usually mic guitars (57 and MD421). I guess I just couldn't get them right...
But I must say that this thread inspired me to try different angles for each mic and putting more thought to the importance of phase. We're going to demo one new song of my band today. I'll post the demo version here later if I remember :D
It takes a lot of work. There's tons of tinkering to be done.



Yesterday I was experimenting with different micings using a 57 with MD421. I ended up with micing 2 different speakers 'cause the 421 takes a lot of space. After maybe an hour of experimentation and fighting with phase I got them set up well. And it was the "arrow" after all! :lol: With the MD421 on-axis and the 57 off-axis.
I think I'll try again with 2 57's, just for fun. Last time I got insane low-mid accentuation. And no multiband compressor for me so... :ill:

This thread has been great, thanks to you all!

And here's to phase: :puke:

Trousers? :lol:
Here's an off the wall "doesn't matter" type of question, mainly for JBroll...

When you record your clips or use this method, do both of your 57's have the transformers removed?

I have 1 57 without the TF, one with. Just wondering...
I use a transformerless 57 and an i5. I'll go back and forth between them, depending on how they work together, but generally I like to have the i5 be the 'meat' of the sound and use the 57, which is better-sounding but still obscenely fucking directional, to find the hissy nasties that I want to subtract from the main sound. I'll also take a lot of guesswork out by flipping the phase from where it should be, finding the configuration that gives me the most fizz and the least meat with the mics at equal volume, and then flipping it back to normal (where I'll have subtracted the most fizz) when I'm satisfied with the sound. It's a lot easier to get the positioning right when only one of the mics is a bitchy little mess like the 57 that will piss at you for having things a millimeter off.
