That "Clayman" sound....

Oh, and Fredrik, if you ever do talk to the other Fredrik about Clayman, could you also find out what kind of tubes he likes in his 5150? His tones are always so smooth, and I think the JJs I've got in my pre stages are a bit edgier.

Try putting a EHX ecc83 in the V1 and V2 positions on the channel you use, it really smoothes out the preamp and makes it sound somewhat less harsh as the jj ecc83s do in all positions. At least , in my marshall jcm800 1959 MKII superlead.

I really tried combining the JJ and EHX ecc83(s) preamp tubes and I liked the EHX - EHX - JJ combination best.
Well, here we are a year later, & I think I've finally got this technique down. This was a BITCH to learn, but well worth the effort.

Here's a short demonstration clip for those interested......
Dual 57 test clip

Not exaclty "Clayman" (and that's fine. I don't want to sound 100% like In Flames) but it's what I've been after for years....


I know Im a little late on this post but I love the clip Oz..very nice.
The Studio Fredman site has been redone, cool shots of the 5150/ENGL and mic'd ENGL cabinet.



hi guys

i think you'll kill me - but i don't like this technique - it sounds boomy

it really presses on my ears - i heard all the tracks from here - so heres my opinion)

maybe thats because of quad tracking, which i don't like