The album you wish you'd written...

7 Dying Trees

Bastard Albino Elf
Apr 18, 2002
The woodland fern
Lets assume that you are in a band, and that it is a point in time of your choosing. Next, assume you have recorded an album as well. Now, if this album could be any album ever released (ie, you wrote the music instead of who originally did) which one would it be? Add to this that it will never be heard by anybody else and that it will never influence anyone.

Basically, the question really is that if you looked at it purely musically with no concept of fame fortune and all that then which album do you wish you'd written and performed?

I think mine would be Arch Enemy's Stigmata, as I find both the song writing and performance on it excellent.
Do you mean that I recorded an album and it would never be released?
Otherwise it would probably be just be people picking their favorite records, and in my opinion it would be:
Parliament "Mothership Connection" (1975)
Type O Negative "October Rust" (1996)

The way I see the question, it's basically a question of favorite records, as I think anyone will pick their favorite record and wish they had written that, since it's their favorite.
im telling I wrote mornigrise in the year 2006. But Opeth went into the fucking fututre and ripped me off!! I cant do anything about it now. Like some shit out of the twighltight zone.
based on personal enjoyment and talent - Opeth - "My Arms, Your Hearse". Great lyrics, great music, great story lines, just....just awesome.

based on greed, money, fame and such - Pink Floyd - "The Wall" . Not only does this album kick ass, it also went platinum 23 times. How is that for success?
...that would have to be Morningrise, from Opeth. Something about that album impressed the living shit out of me the moment i first heard it...words cannot desribe how incredible I think it is....

:eek: Wouldn't it be something if a guy like me would have written it?