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only the ones in my mind....I was lying on a couch trippin bawlz and watchin the clock when 2010 rolled in.

would you be a pirate if you could? You know a real one, not one of those modern ones....
nope, not really...don´t see a reason to ;))

Do you think celebrating new years even this big as we do makes a sense?
Listening to Ensiferum, drinking white mocha, fighting a cold, thinking about lunch, and replying to some work related emails that have been piling up.

What are your metal resolutions for 2010?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
I don't really have any sort of resolutions at all, 'cause whenever I plan something or think about something which I'd like a lot, it always gets screwed, so I've had enough. :lol:

Favorite non-metal-non-rock-totally-mainstream artist?:lol: