The -- Ask a Question -- Game

I'd go for spicy, but I guess sour....I used to like eating lemons when I was a kid for some reason.

sports car or offroad truck?
Any self-titled album is just bad: besides a a lack of imagination it also shows little drive for followup work . . . . such as Rockhead for example . . .

Most inappropriate instrument to bring into a metal band? (if you say violin, please send a copy of your reply to Olli as well :heh:)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

Stupidest lyics ever written?
I don't really know, cause I've always thought no instrument is awkward as long as you use it properly and it doesn't sound out of place, but one of my friends, whom I introduced Korpiklaani music to, seemed extremely amused by the range of instruments they use, and ended up calling their music "Jew's Harp Metal". (for wm_crash since I think he knows Romanian, he used the term "drâmbă", which amused me quite a lot :lol: )

/edit: Oh Dennis. :( Since I'm now forced to answer the last question and it could be considered that I am under pressure, I can only think of early Mayhem ones. Like in Chainsaw Gutsfuck for example. Check them out yourself. :lol:

Do you like Sabaton?
The entire fucking Hollywood annoys me to no end . . . . Brad "My Balls are in my Wife's Purse" Pitt, Angelina "I am oh so pretty" Jolie, Tom "The Glib" Cruise, Harrison "Team Earth" Ford, Leonardo "Vote this, not that" di Caprio, Kanye "I am EVERYTHING" West, Bruce "Johnny Come Late Political Pundit" Springsteen, . . . . and to celebrate that:

Where would you like to be on a rainy day?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
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Thanks Crash, I've not laughed that hard in a long time!

Hmm depending on whether its a warm rainy day or cold, if its cold tucked up somewhere with a load of hot chocolate, warm rainy day definitely out dancing in it...:D

Caek or Death?
SPAM!!! . . . go ahead people, spam me!!

So basically today I got this email from a "friend" who last time . . . like 4 months ago . . . . basically called me an asshole and said he'd never "bother" me again . . . and he's acting like nothing happened . . . what to do: ignore just like 4 months ago, pretend like nothing happened either, or reply and call him asshole in return?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
rofl at how u specified that they were cocktails XD

Never had either but I think I'd be more tempted by the black one.

Snow or rain?