The Ask "MrFast" Thread:

which is THE best final fantasy game EVAR? inlcuding the music, story line,
character improvement system, and character depth. (not so much graphics)

(it's out of 4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
My guess is because purple isn't a very common hair color. A female friend of mine told me she would dye her hair dark purple (I didn't believe her) and lo and behold she shows up to work the next week with purple hair.

I honestly believe more people would've believed you had you said you would dye it red. Bizarre ain't it?
How's your girlfriend Brandon? And would you show me around Canuckistan if i came over? :p
Yeah. But the thing is I have some kind of dark blond hair so I'm not sure how blond and purple will look together. Do you maybe know or saw someone like that?
Yeah. But the thing is I have some kind of dark blond hair so I'm not sure how blond and purple will look together. Do you maybe know or saw someone like that?

The friend I was talking about had blonde hair. I know it's different since she went from blonde to completely purple and you're just getting streaks, but I've probably seen pics of similar hairstyles. Purple and blonde together would strike me as 'scene' though so I'm not too sure whether that's good or not.
I want to dye my hair myself. HOw do i make it come out perfect? Last time i tryed, the color didn't even come out.

I'm not Brandon, so sorry, but I have the same problem. It's probably cause your hair is really dark, so look for a hair dye that's specifically made for dark hair to ensure that it shows up...or you may have to go really bright so that it bleaches your hair somewhat and the colour shows up but BE CAREFUL its really bad for your hair!
Haha thats the colour I tried, but then I got this streaking kit that was made for people with really dark hair and it turned out awesome. The streaks mixed in with my natural hair colour and it didn't look half bad. This was in grade 9..:lol:. But the other day I dyed my hair wasn't as red as I wanted it so I just have to choose a brighter red (seeing as our hair is dark it won't show up as freakishly bright as on the box). Keep in mind, red gets brighter the more you wash your hair, at least in most cases.