The *Ask Rider* Thread

lol damn soooo many to choose from.. Ok heres one.. Bought about a half ounce (back when I had money I could afford it :lol:) the day before and was feeling pretty good about it. Woke up the next day, waked and baked, decided to call some of my friends to hang out. Met up with them. Then they had this brilliant Idea that we sneak into this gated community that has their own private lake (rich bastards) becase they found a hole in one of the fences surrounding it. So... We go in and find the most peaceful, fucking beautiful place to blaze at. Smoked for a good 2 hours straight. And you know what they say about all good things. A security boat happens to drive by right where we are sitting by the lake.. He floats by and we think he is gone so we just go about our business as if everything is ok. Then, about 20 mins later the security car pulls up right behind us (fucker just went to get his car) So we run our fucking asses off and end up hiding in one of the rich bastards boats. After about an hour of paranoid hiding, we decide to book it. RIGHT as we are about to sneak back out the hole in the fence the FUCKER pulls out behind a bush he was fucking hididng in. He was staking out the hole in the fence because he fucking knew thats how we got in somehow. He chases us down and catches us and says he is going to call the cops. Since we were fucked anyway we started joking with the guy and he actually ends up liking us :lol: so he says to us. "Alright you guys, I am going to let you go because you are nice kids, just dont let me catch you in here anymore" So we are like super stoked and start leaving but as we are walking away he says "Wait, can you guys give me some weed? I covered your asses so you could at least do me this favor" and we tell him we don't have much left.. So we end up smoking him a couple bowls then leaving.. Pretty chill :lol:.

:lol: good story
Where on this planet can i chill on a beach with a beer out in the open and not get kicked out? Every fucken beach on long island tells me to fuck off.
I know tons of private beaches that aren't regulated at all out here. You'd have to come to california :lol: I know this beach in malibu where the sand is sooooooo soft and the water looks actually looks alot better than beaches a couple miles away. It's some dude from some plastic surgery show's beach, my friend used to go out with him so he doesen't give a fuck if we use it. We can start fires and drink all we wan't :lol:
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If two frogs bet 300 dollars on dog racing how much do they win?

What did Adam have none of Eve had two and everyone has three?

Is the statement 'this statement is false' true or false?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If two frogs bet 300 dollars on dog racing how much do they win?
A million dollars
What did Adam have none of Eve had two and everyone has three?
A penis?
Is the statement 'this statement is false' true or false?

My brain just exploded.
You work out un-resolved issues in your dreams, killing your family could represent certain conflicts not dealt with during the day involving your family. Try not keeping things unsaid or inside and you won't dream of killing your family. Personally I am up front about everything so I never dream of doing that sorta thing to my family. :lol:
Wheres the thread for men?

Also, can you guess who's camel toe is this?