The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Why is it taking Brandon 15 minutes to answer or make a comment on msn?

Because Brandon does three things in life: Eat delicious cake, wank to loli, and play guitar. The interwebz is what he does to recuperate in between activities.

You know, I often try to help your boredom by talking to you :rolleyes:
I know, and you always help <3... I've just been REALLY BUSY lately, it's fucking retarded how much I've been doing, plus I have to work the next few day on top of it. I think I might quit soon :mad:

By the way, you're NEVER one when I'm around :lol:

He's always asleep when i try to talk to him :lol:
Yes, I am... or I'm gone out. Working nights sucks dick.

Joe, why was I born in such a terrible neighbourhood filled to the brim with lowlifes, wiggers, reject azns and nobody is a metaller? Is it a calling for me to make a change?

No one can help where they're born :lol: be thankful you weren't born in Aidsfrica. But if you believe in God, or some type of divine power, you might believe everything happens for a reason and therefore you're meant to learn something from that environment. Do your best to take something from it that makes you stronger. No need to try and change it, because to be honest you can't. Who cares if people don't like metal, you cans till be friends. Judge them by the character, not their style of music. Although I bet they are douches and in which case, still don't worry about bringing metalheads into the neighborhood. Just go elsewhere to have fun.

No bot is advanced enough to post shit like Joe.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: Oh wow, this is still going? :p
Yeh I'm surprised too since I never have the time to answer, but still MOAR KWESTSHUNZ PLOX!
What's the best new movie to watch?

Fuck new movies :lol: Go to the store and rent True Romance or Leon the Professional NAO! (If you've already seen them, I have another entire list of OMFGAMAZING movies to recommend. Just ask ;))
^I haven't seen those :D I'll check em out

DO IT! Amazing fucking movies, two of my ALL TIME FAVES :lol: Google them for the premise if you like... but both movies have an amazing cast (they both feature Gary Oldman as a villain, FUCKING WIN) and the stories are fucking epicly awesome.
No one can help where they're born :lol: be thankful you weren't born in Aidsfrica. But if you believe in God, or some type of divine power, you might believe everything happens for a reason and therefore you're meant to learn something from that environment. Do your best to take something from it that makes you stronger. No need to try and change it, because to be honest you can't. Who cares if people don't like metal, you cans till be friends. Judge them by the character, not their style of music. Although I bet they are douches and in which case, still don't worry about bringing metalheads into the neighborhood. Just go elsewhere to have fun.
I was taking the piss. And no I am not the prophet of converting strange asian kids into metallers. I have always attracted the kids who 'want' to be different, and been supressed by the jocks and chavs, etc. So it's not really a matter of music as such, it's not belonging at all:lol:
How long will you grow your beard? You are starting to look like a terrorist! What is your opinion about vikings and viking metal.
How long will you grow your beard? You are starting to look like a terrorist!

:lol: I'll keep it until I have to get rid of it, it's braid-able now so we'll see. But fuck :lol: My sister JUST said I need to trim it because I am starting to look like a terrorist. And earlier my Dad called me an Arab. :lol:

What is your opinion about vikings and viking metal.

Vikings = Bad people (except the epic facial hair... I am starting to get a viking beard)

Viking Metal = Fucking Amazing (albeit simple/boring composition at times, it still kicks ass :kickass: )