The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Question: for how long have you been addicted to ":lol:"?
Ever since Al Gore invented the internet :lol:

Joe: do you live in a house? or an apartment or what not

I would have said I live in a house, but seeing as I'm at 10,000 posts I guess I live in the intarwebz!

What do you think of the Boobahs? (they are in failure's sig)

Honestly I don't know wtf they are, where they're from or what they were called. I think they look kind like penises, and I think they're a retarded thing to have in a sig.

PROTIP: The answer is hidden in the question

:lol::lol::lol: QFT

Seriously this show must make kids retarded, omfg that was the most annoying thing I've ever seen, plus, wtf was up with this?:


Bad enough their heads look like penis glands now they have some kind of group orgy rainbow cumshot thing happening... :erk: