The "Ask Undefined" Thread

If there was one band that you could be in, which one would it be adn why.

Eventhough I have no musical ability at all, it definitely would be Arcturus or Pre-Vintersorg Borknagar. I'd even settle for Dimmu Borgir I guess so that I would be able to hang out with Vortex whenever I wanted and revel in his musical genius.

I have one: How many times have you bumped your own thread?

in b4: over 9000

I bump it because I care.
2,000 posts.

Is that good?

1-3 thousand = In most cases you are a troll, you post here enough to ruin threads, add your shitty unwanted opinions to everything and fight oldfags. The postcount of fail is adding up. (NOTE: Some of you will stay at this stage eventhough your postcount will rise, it's like Vegeta when he was trying to go Super Saiyan level 2, he kept getting more and more powerful but still didn't advance)


Naw, you're alright. I like you, better than most of the other n00bs, that much I can say.

I am constantly irritated and my irritation quickly escalates to anger. What's the easy cure, wise man? Easy.

There is no 'easy' cure, unless you resort to substance abuse XD but that will only make things much, much worse :lol:

My advice is to try to address what is making you angry. And to find someone to talk about your problems to. Talking always helps, it's really strange but sometimes just saying aloud to someone else what is bothering you makes you feel better instantly and the problem doesn't feel as big. In some cases anyways, it's just because holding things inside poisons your mind and makes you more emotional about it.

If you don't know why you're irritated then that is a bit harder, but just try to keep a clear head. Pay attention for what sets you off then try to ignore it, if that's not possible then leave if you can. Yelling and screaming sure does fucking feel good but, trust me, as someone who can yell and scream with the best of them, if never solves anything, it just makes it worse. Unless it's REALLY worth it, don't give in to your anger. There's other ways to deal with it, it really sucks but be strong and just count to 10 or some stupid bullshit like that :p

Hope this helps :lol: