The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Have you ever tried audiosurf?

No, I have windsurfed for real though, it's fun. Hard to get the hang of but once you do it's epic.


I'm gonna see Dimmu on thursday. Am I gonna get raped?

Well, if you're in the pit during Behemoth's set, there's actually a good chance you might!

Why are you always busy on msn? Too much interfapz?

I am always busy so people leave me alone.....

...while I fap.
I don't know, maybe you're a lesbian who loves dicks, but you're opposed to gay/tranny relations. It could explain why you go for guys who looks like 13year old girls. Also, I sincerely doubt the new guy is half as gay looking as Ryan, but that remains to be seen.

A lesbian who loves dicks.
Guys? I reject that plural as you have only seen what one of my boyfriend's looks like.
Hahaha. What do you have against Ryan?
What does a lolcake look like?


I dunno, a veiny cock cake is lolz though.

Why the fuck did the boiler break down and wake me up at liek, 4 in the morning?

Well, did it look similar to this?


If so, then it was bound to happen sooner or later.

A lesbian who loves dicks.
Guys? I reject that plural as you have only seen what one of my boyfriend's looks like.
Hahaha. What do you have against Ryan?

I have nothing against him, I like Ryan, just the fact that he looks so much like I girl I fear for my heterosexuality if I was drunk and horny and was around :erk: Wouldn't mind to have him as a cellmate if I was doing life in prison though :lol:

dear joesus,
hamma time?

NO! Are you a bad enough dude to hit your dick with a hammer?

Dear Joenalcunt, what was the last thing you ate?

Um, chocolate milk and brownies.