The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Dear Joesus, did Dimmu give sloppy seconds?

Yes, they did, but at least you got better than me, all they gave me were Sloppy Joe's



Have I spent too much time in front of the computer today? It seems like I've been on-and-off the internet all day :lol: :erk:

:lol: Welcome to my life. As long as you were productive in the time when you were OFF the interbuttz it's not so bad.

Joesus, what is the word of the day?

I would agree with that, it is funny.

Dear Joesus, Altidudes stole mah word, what should I do?

Kill him, or use roflgateau instead.
Okay, so it has already been affirmed that man was born with the will the survive but my question is this: will he take no for an answer?
Probably, yes. I used to do my friend's homework for them on occasion when I was working nights, sometimes I was really bored. I'd do their essays and reports, even short stories and poetry. I never got lower than an 85%, and that was on something I did half assed. I'm not bragging, just remarking how sad it is I got higher marks on other people's work than I bothered to try and get on my own. Also factor in that these assignments were in courses I never took in school. I am proud yet not proud all at the same time.

So yes, I CAN do it, but I won't :loco:

You're doing it wrong. :lol:
i have two questions.
1. is it true that its wrong to lie to someone and tell them something to make them feel better in place of the truth?
2. why the hell dont flying v style guitars fit in UNIVERSAL GUITAR CASES???
Would you like a cup of tea?



Okay, so it has already been affirmed that man was born with the will the survive but my question is this: will he take no for an answer?

Depends on the person and the situation. Some people are ambitious and persevering, and thrive with conflict and get what they want through arguing/negotiating. Others are just timid and roll over in a heartbeat. Although sometimes you do have to take no for an answer, for the greater good.

How is the weather?

Getting warmer, snow is melted. Next few weeks should be getting a lot nicer, awesome.

i have two questions.
1. is it true that its wrong to lie to someone and tell them something to make them feel better in place of the truth?

I don't see what's wrong with that, unless it's going to somehow retroactively fuck you/them over.

2. why the hell dont flying v style guitars fit in UNIVERSAL GUITAR CASES???

Don't know, don't care, sorry.

Dear Joesus, why do you take so long to answer questions? Dx

Because I'm related to this guy:
