The "Ask Undefined" Thread


Can you do my homework? :(

Probably, yes. I used to do my friend's homework for them on occasion when I was working nights, sometimes I was really bored. I'd do their essays and reports, even short stories and poetry. I never got lower than an 85%, and that was on something I did half assed. I'm not bragging, just remarking how sad it is I got higher marks on other people's work than I bothered to try and get on my own. Also factor in that these assignments were in courses I never took in school. I am proud yet not proud all at the same time.

So yes, I CAN do it, but I won't :loco:
hey joe, just wondering, cuz you do buy a lot of tickets for shows and all....where do you work now? You left that convenience store a while ago didn't you?
Why is my new boyfriend so gay? (My boyfriend actually came up with & typed that question.)

And also, why do I have a gay fixation?
im at school right now blowing of a bunch of work to do practically nothing and joke around with my buddy that bad???

hey joe, just wondering, cuz you do buy a lot of tickets for shows and all....where do you work now? You left that convenience store a while ago didn't you?

Still unemployed, by choice, making MOAR money than I did before though, so I can't complain. Also, I usually get into shows for free, I haven't bought a concert ticket in ages. I bought Paganfest tickets actually, just as insurance, but I will end up selling them once I find out I'm getting guestlisted.

Why is my new boyfriend so gay? (My boyfriend actually came up with & typed that question.)

And also, why do I have a gay fixation?

I don't know, maybe you're a lesbian who loves dicks, but you're opposed to gay/tranny relations. It could explain why you go for guys who looks like 13year old girls. Also, I sincerely doubt the new guy is half as gay looking as Ryan, but that remains to be seen.

when will u have time to chat with me in msn? :mad: :zombie:

Um, around this time:


im at school right now blowing of a bunch of work to do practically nothing and joke around with my buddy that bad???

Dude, gtfo the intebuttz and do your booklearnings.

Joe, if you had to go back to using one of your old avatars, which one would it be?

I honestly don't remember any of them.