The "Ask Undefined" Thread

You have a nice Canadian accent. I can't deny it.

Why did you get banned?
:blush: Well thank you :p And it's nothing worth discussing :loco:


How old are you and what's the youngest girl you would ever hook up with? Ignoring pedophilic laws of course...

I am 20 and the youngest girl I would hook up with is 11 :lol: Although, even that might be a little old for me, 7-8 is a good age :)


which band do you dislike the most?

Well, if I don't like a band's music I normally don't give a shit about them, such as Opeth, Lamb of God, etc.. but Alestorm is the epitome of the kind of bands that are ruining metal imo. They're not that great of a folk metal band, nothing special musically and fronted by horrible vocals (not that it matters much in metal but there's a limit)... yet they are going to be huge because of they way they are marketed, they are selling because of their theme and not the music :p I mean I'm really glad for them but everyone who I know who listens to them, except Bryan, are beer guzzling retards :p I mean music to listen to and have fun is fine but they just attract the WORST kind of metalheads... I mean it's not their fault it just is... I've always maintained... I LOVE METAL BUT I HATE (most) METALHEADS.... they're fucking retards :loco: But that is just my opinion :p

How was Kalmah?
Fucking incredible, I really hope they come back sometime at a better venue, still an epic show!!

Joe are you too busy for cobot or are you too bored of cobot?
Been busy as hell :lol: concerts, work, etc :p You guys are better off without me anyways!

Bears beats beats. Bears beats Battlestar Galactica. Fact?
Anything beats Battlestar Galactica :lol: I always hated that show, I'd rather was Star Trek Deep Space Nine or even STARGATE :erk:
Could you point me towards a place that has acurate lyrics of Zonaria's Infamy And The Breed album?
Yes I can, Right here!

Zonaria: Infamy and the Breed Lyrics

You don't want to hear the sound he makes when he faps :lol:. (inside joke)


When wanking, do you skip the blowjob scene or watch through the whole pr0n?

:lol: This is actually a very good question!!!! Seriously I am impressed :lol: but it depends on my mood, sometimes I watch start to finish or sometimes I just skip to the goods... but usually I'll watch the bj for a bit then skip ahead to the good parts :loco: