The "Ask Undefined" Thread

No shit?

I wasn't trolling btw, I'm just hoping. Rumors says that they are writing new stuff.

I actually met Simen and hung out with him backstage and had like an hour discussion with him, we talked a lot about his various music projects and he told me a lot of things but he never mentioned that, so I will just say that it's probably not true. Although, I wish it were!
Somebody from the Mayhem board says that HH told him at a gig that there's going to be a new album. It's better be tr00!
Somebody from the Mayhem board says that HH told him at a gig that there's going to be a new album. It's better be tr00!

Hm well, at what gig and when? HH isn't playing on tour with Dimmu or any other bands as far as I'm aware because he's recovering from an injury still... also why the hell would they break up then release a new album a year later, it just doesn't make sense. I mean I hope it's true but I won't expect shit until I hear something other than 'a guy said'.... :lol:
recommend me some epic power metal! :lol:

and no, i don't own any edguy nor stratovarius, and i'd get ecliptica but itunes decided not to sell it so :mad:
recommend me some epic power metal! :lol:

and no, i don't own any edguy nor stratovarius, and i'd get ecliptica but itunes decided not to sell it so :mad:

Dude, download Ecliptica, it is their best album hands fucking down. Truly epic. You NEED that Sonata CD to be complete. I am just getting to Stratovarius myself, their album Episode is pretty good but ok, listen close my friend, these are CDs that I listen to nonstop when I want some epic powermetal:

Temple of Shadows by Angra: Seriously an epic CD, Spread your Fire and Temple of Hate are amazing songs, the CD is solid through and through and there are even guest vocals on songs from Kai from Helloween and Hansi from Blind Guardian. (Also check out Aurora Consurgens but gets ToS first!)

Edguy is a hard choice, but for me Hellfire Club (Songs like 'King of Fools' and 'Mysteria') or Theatre of Salvation (songs like Songs like 'Babylon' and the title track) are both epic CD's. Mandrake and Rocket Ride are good too, I just have a lot more favourite songs on the first too I mentioned. But you can't go wrong with Edguy, as long as you like powermetal infused with classic rock sounding shit, it's awesome seriously.

Ground Flare by Blasdead is a really cool powermetally CD, I recommend it highly. I love it. Never Apologize and Triumph over Hardships are epic songs imo.

The Forgotten Goddess by Echoes of Eternity is like the ONLY chick frotned band I love. Really I think they are awesome, live they get boring but on CD I love it. Check them out. A lot of good tracks on here for me.

That should be enough, not sure if you count 3 Inches of Blood as powermetal but if so check out any album they're all great.

P.S. LOTF II didn't suck, I wasn't a big fan but the song Empress is fucking amazing.

P.P.S. Helloween is an epic band!

im not heartless but tr00 power metal= helloween, gamma ray, symphony x, galneryus, obviously blind guardian

What should I do of my life on UM?

Pray a lot. And make sure when you do you think these words:
