the Australian Idol thread

Yeah I know it doesn't automatically make him the winner... but he's prven before that he can hold the pop numbers well (I think he did an R Kelly song a couple of weeks back and got good reviews on that as well). I think he would have to seriously fuck up for him not to win
This was the first week that Ricki-Lee hasn't been the best, but she was still probably second best, so it will be tight competition between those two if they can keep it up, and provided her voice holds up.

Marty and Chanel were my bottom two, not sure who to pick for a third. I thought Courtney did well, he showed more range than he has up until now which was good.

I thought Daniel did well and I didn't quite understand the judges comments, until Anthony came out and showed him how it should be done.

Casey was good, but I don't think she deserved that touchdown. If Anthony had performed before her, Mark wouldn't have made such a big deal about it.

Hayley, whom I openly hate, had her best performance thus far and wasn't too bad. Judges comments were on the money though, about her having to concentrate and work really hard and that it shows in her performances.

Not sure if I would call Anthony's performance the best from the last 2 years, but it was definately an Idol moment alongside Guy's "Climb Every Mountain".
Casey ruled. Anthony ruled.

I thought Hayley was quite good, probably her best performance. I was surprised by Marty, he still has no business being in the top 12 but it was his best performance yet. Chanel... I agree with Dicko, she was tops until the band kicked in.

Courtney... gee, he was REALLY disappointing. Worst of the night, but he won't be going any time soon because of the support he has. I think it will be Hayley, it's obvious the voting public can't stand her.
Anthony didn't rule. Ruling is not what Anthony did last night. He simply blew *everyone* away. He was 3 or 4 classes above everyone else last night. I really have a new found respect for him. I just hope he doesn't fuck it up again by doing manufactured plastic punchout songs in the future. I won't hold my breath though.
Gotta agree with that Gore. I guess Anthony stole all of Daniel's votes, which kind of makes sense. I was happy with Chanel and Hayley being the other two in the bottom three though.

Sunday will be interesting. I hated when they did theme shows on American Idol where the theme was a particular artist, but it is ok with The Beatles. I hope they don't make a habit of doing it though. Courtney should do well I think.
Beatles :rock:

Lets have a guessing comp as to what songs you think the contestants will all select. Also put what you would love to hear them singing.

Would like her to pick: Across the Universe
Think she will pick: Across the Universe or Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

If I could bet on this, I'd whack $100 on it. I think this song is actually pretty perfect for her. I am not a Chanel fan by any stretch, but as soon as they said Beatles, I said... "I bet Chanel picks Across the Universe". It has quirky lyrics, and I think she would do it ok.

Would like him to pick: I am the Walrus
Think he will pick: Get back or Back in the USSR or Saw her Standing There

I reckon he will go the safe option of the more rock n roll side such as Get Back/Back in the USSR etc. Would like to hear him do Walrus though, cause I reckon he would be ok with the lyrics and the bridge part (Sitting in an English Garden)

Would like him to pick: Twist and Shout
Think he will pick: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Would love to hear his raspy voice on Twist and Shout.... But it could be too big of a risk, as Lennon nailed that song. I think he will pick While My Guitar Gently weeps cause it seems to fit with his style. I think he would do that ok as well.

Would like her to pick: A Day in the Life
Think she will pick: All My Loving

Fuck I would love to hear Ricki Lee doing A Day in the Life. One of my favorite Beatles songs, and I think she would nail it. Especially the Ahhh Aahhhhh AAAHhhh part after the bridge. She could rearrange it a little to go a key higher and it would sound cool. I don't know if she will pick it though. Might go with something a little more commercial like All my Loving. She willl nail anything she chooses though.

Would like her to sing: Carry That Weight

No idea what she might pick, but I reckon she would be great on Carry that Weight. She has the eyes to pull it off cause she can look seductive during the "Once there was a way... to get back home". I love this song too, so would like someone to do it.

Fuck the other 2. Couldnt be bothered thinking anymore :lol:

I bet Chanel will do one of the 2 that I picked though
Why the hell did they pick The Beatles for them? None of them were even born when The Beatles were around. Im not disputing their greatness of course, but The Beatles are nothing like the pop of today, it just seems a weird choice.
The Beatles is a perfect choice because their songs can be adapted to virtually any style. Not only that, but everyone knows them. And if you had to pick one artist who's had the most influence on the last forty years of music, who else could you pick?
Well not everyone knows them, I know three of the songs Sprucey picked up there. Though ill admit I might know the others if I actually heard them, I just dont know them by name.
I was hoping Courtney would sing Twist And Shout as well.

Someone will have to sing Hey Jude you would think.

I don't know that many Beatles songs either, and I doubt all the contestants do, but I still think it is a great choice. It also helps to a wider range of people interested in the show. I still hope they don't gte carried away and do other artist themed shows though, the ones on American Idol were ridiculous.
They are on the list.

Strangely, I was looking at Beatles stuff yesterday as I was checking out a new music shop that has opened near uni. It was pretty shit really, but anyway. Later that night watching Idol and they say the theme for Sunday is The Beatles, I was a little weirded.