the Australian Idol thread

Damn Straight. These guys are the 'future' of music in Australia and they can't learn a single Beatle ssong.... Who are the most famous band that has ever been and have written some of the most classic songs in history
Testify, Sprucey.

Have we carried on about new arrangements yet? I didn't really mind what Anthony did to his song, it was catchy and all, but it was still a no-no to mess with a Beatles song. That's just lame - a song in a theme night isn't in your style, but that doesn't give you the right to change it to how you want it to sound.

I wish I could find a transcript of Marcia and Dicko's argument. That ruled. :rock:
Marcia was right, a marketing hack shouldnt be judging a singing contest, he should come in once they choose the winner and go from there. Besides, all you do is shove something down the publics throat enough and they will buy it.
Dicko has every right to be there. Normally he'd be the guy who sees the act and says, "Hey, he/she would be perfect for this label". He doesn't get that luxury in this competition, but he does have to sell the winner to the public, and so he has every right to be able to tell the contenstants that they should be doing this rather than doing that. I rarely, if ever, disagree with him.

Marcia MUST go. If they have to have a female singer next year then bring in Tina Arena, she's the product of a talent show and she's currently in between revivals so she has a spare five years or so.
so who sang what?

Can someone give us non-Channel 10ers (that would be me) a list of who sang what? Cos I'm actually curious.

I think Courtney should've sang Fixing a Hole. And he could've plodded his fat ass around the stage. That would've been awesome. What a plodding song.
Chanel - Across the Universe
Casey - Eleanor Rigby
Marty - Oh! Darling
Courtney - Gotta Get You Into My Life
Ricki-Lee - We Can Work it Out
Anthony - I Saw Her Standing There
Hayley - Yesterday
Chanel - Great.
Casey - Wiped out early, I'm afraid, and try as she might she just couldn't get it back.
Marty - OK
Courtney - Great, even if he did mess up. The band covered him well, but after the stumble it seemed like they were on different pages and didn't really go with him when they should have.
Ricki-Lee - OK. Solid, not spectacular. 3rd behind Chanel and Courtney.
Anthony - OK. The arrangement was ordinary, but he sang it pretty well.
Hayley - OK, but as boring as all fuck. She said she wanted to put her own spin on it, but all she did was take everybody elses spins and regurgitated them. She should have chosen a different song. But still, her best performance so far for mine.

My vote would go to Hayley, but I think Casey actually *deserves* to go after that little effort.
No, he is a marketing guy, he gets what the label signs and they say "market this". So he should fuck off and come in when the winner is announced, it is a show to find the best talent in Australia (ostensibly anyway) and marketing has nothing to do with that until the records being written.
Spiff said:
Dicko has every right to be there. Normally he'd be the guy who sees the act and says, "Hey, he/she would be perfect for this label". He doesn't get that luxury in this competition, but he does have to sell the winner to the public, and so he has every right to be able to tell the contenstants that they should be doing this rather than doing that. I rarely, if ever, disagree with him.
No the A&R guy (which is Mark I believe) is the one who signs the bands. The marketing people just market the stuff the label has.
They are all singing the same genre and the album for them is already written, so why is he there? The others are checking the vocal talents and how they use the stage etc. what does a marketing guy have to do with that?