the Australian Idol thread

Then they should ditch everyone but Anthony, Ricki-Lee and Hayley, because they are by far the 3 most marketable ones. So why even have the contest, why not just pick the winner straight from the auditions if he is judging how marketable they are? In fact they need not even sing!

He is a marketing guy, he should be brought in once the contest is won so then he can mould their image or whatever they call telling them what to do and throw enough shit at the wall to see if it sticks. Thats what a marketing guy at a big label does, he isnt an A&R guy. He sells stuff the label signs.
spawn said:
He is a marketing guy, he should be brought in once the contest is won so then he can mould their image or whatever they call telling them what to do and throw enough shit at the wall to see if it sticks. Thats what a marketing guy at a big label does, he isnt an A&R guy. He sells stuff the label signs.
Guy Sebastion's image was created during the show, not after it. Go The Fro became his angle when the show was running, not after he won it.

But Dicko, the marketing guy also has to handle things like tours, one off concerts, shopping centre appearences, live TV appearences etc... So of course he has the right to be there and give his opinion on the persons appearence/fashion/style/ability, and give them the best possible advice on how to actually go about winning the thing. He is probably more important as far as deciding the eventual winner and convinvcing Joe Public than the other 2 are
No he doesnt, the artists manager does that!

I dont think any of their opinions really count actually, in the end the teenage girl vote pretty much always wins out :)
Sorry, I didn't mean he has to handle that sort of thing in terms of management. I meant that he has to keep all of that shit in mind when he is judging them, and give them the advice to ensure that the eventual winner will be fit to do tours/concerts etc.

Spawn, you said that he should be brought in once the winner is decided so he can mould their image etc... But the point I was making was that Guy, Shannon, Paulini, Cosima etc already had a moulded image and built a fanbase during the airing of the show and not after it. All of those people had an image during the show. Look at Cosima. She was a no-one untill Dicko (And the other 2) gave her a 2nd chance in the wildcard.... She didn't really start to get attention untill Dicko told her to do something about her eyebrows and 'tidy up' her image. DURING THE SHOW, not after it
Well yeah, it definitely is way more about marketing than singing, or Shannon Noll wouldnt have sold a million albums (he doesnt have a BAD voice, but well, you know...), but the marketing angle is taken care of already by virtue of them being on tv, selling cars during the intros to the show and doing countless interviews. Dicko markets the album/person to the public once he has the music to work with.
spawn said:
Well yeah, it definitely is way more about marketing than singing, or Shannon Noll wouldnt have sold a million albums (he doesnt have a BAD voice, but well, you know...), but the marketing angle is taken care of already by virtue of them being on tv, selling cars during the intros to the show and doing countless interviews. Dicko markets the album/person to the public once he has the music to work with.
But it wouldn't be if Dicko wasn't there. Sure, they'd be on TV and that would make them sell a few records. Dicko makes them more marketable, like Sprucey said.
But it IS taken care of already, Dicko has nothing to do with the marketing of them yet! He isnt telling them what shopping centres they will go to, or what their first single will be because it will sell!
Ahh, but not JUST image and presentation. So he is a fashion stylist until the winner is picked and the album is done?
Dicko knows what's marketable to the audience these contestants are aimed at. He knows what they need to do to make them more attractive to that audience. He knows how they should dress, do their hair, wear their make-up, move on stage, etc. He knows what works, and what doesn't, and he knows that it's more about just singing and/or looking good. They need to get rid of Marcia. She's too conciliatory, too worried about what her fans will think of her if she gets tough. Get Deb Conway in. She'd kick arse.
Here is my thoughts on last night.

Chanel was the best for the night, she was really awesome. She made the best song choice for her style, and it is a good song to boot. She sounded great. I think the judges would have given her even more praise had she have been last and not first.

Courtney was second best for me. As Dicko said, it was an untidy performance, but it was still great. He broke from the mould he has been in for the last so many weeks and really showed what he can do.

Ricki-Lee would probably come next. I thought the arrangement was fine, it sounded great. Not close to her best performance, but she is easily the most consistent from week to week.

Marty did really well for Marty, one of, if not his best performace, but it is getting to the point in the competition where that doesn't matter, as he is the weakest singer left by far, so he will likely be bottom three. Although Shannon Noll did come second last year...

Anthony's arrangement was fine and I thought he sounded great, but I agree that it was a little 'safe' after seeing him raise the bar so high last week.

As for Hayley, whilst she did sound good, it was the least daring, most boring, and 'safest' performance this series. I just can't believe the judges hardly ever have a bad word to say about her. For what it was, it was good, but meh. I hope she is bottom three this week. I personally would like to see her go. And as for her being one of the more marketable ones of the group, are you kidding? She is boring and bland as all hell. She has the least 'image' of them all.

Casey was obviously the worst for the night, what a fuck up. It would be a shame if it costs her the competition as she has more to offer, but I think it will, it was really bad. Bottom three no doubt.
phlogiston said:
Marcia just needs to stay true to herself, and she'll go places.

Didn't Marcia tell one of them (I forget who) that there's "room for everyone in this industry"? What fucking planet is she from, saying shit like that? She's had it pretty easy in showbiz, but even she must know that entertainment is the most cut-throat industry in the world. Her "advice" and "comments" border on the delusional.