It is a strange final 5, but if Ricki-Lee and Daniel were there instead of Hayley, and perhaps Casey, it would be a lot closer running and a lot more interesting.
I agree with Chris about Casey, she is good now, but when she matures and such it may do wonders for her.
I liked what Holden said to Hayley, only because I completely agree with him, and if he is going to get condemned for bagging her out like he has in past weeks, he needs to find another way to put his opinion across, and that is what he did. I didn't like the way he treated Courtney though, but Chris is right, Courtney should be picking songs that suit him rather than just old classics.
Chanel really did look silly didn't she? That outfit may be her demise. Hopefully it is Hayley though...hopefully.
How funny was it when Holden said it was Anthony's competition at the moment, then Marcia butted in and said no, that is what people said about Ricki-Lee, and it isn't over till the fat lady sings. Then coming up, was Casey, hehe.
I really want Anthony to win. I don't like him all that much, but he is the best person for the job now that Ricki-Lee is out of the picture.