the Australian Idol thread

They have the Unforgettables album, they had that on Monday night and it's in the shops at the moment. That's the one with Flynn and the Duffy Sisters and that bloke who sang Unchained.

Haven't heard anything about a top 12 cast album though. I think I read somewhere where Mark Holden said that BMG told him that there wouldn't be one. That was near the beginning of the series.
AI is doing itself no favours at all when it comes to trying to get even an ounce of credibility when it releases an album of shit by people who are worse than hacks, and let people like Angie get nothing, not even a track on a final 12 cd.
Yeah. I was almost going to get it until I realised that it's already out of date. One would think they would wait until the series is finished before releasing it, considering it includes performances from the finals (saw a bit of it in a shop the other day).
Tonights show was quite good. Again, Hayley was the worst and should go, but that has been the case for how many weeks looking at the next worst, I think Casey's number might be up. Courtney and Anthony were great. Casey was good also, but not great, and even Hayley wasn't too bad, but she was still the worst.
Nope, this time you're wrong. Anthony was the worst by a long way. He ruined Fever, and that's a hard song to wreck, and I didn't rate his second song in the least. He's not a big band/swing singer at *all*.

Casey's first song was great, her second was merely good, but she's got the voice for that sort of thing.

Hayley's first song was passable but boring, but she absolutely *nailed* Nature Boy. Suprised the hell out me, she did. If Courtney hadn't sung his last song, Hayley's Nature Boy would have been performance of the night. It was the first time she didn't make me change the channel.

Overall Courtney was the best because he had two really solid performances, and the last one almost deserved his touchdown.

I would have loved to hear Chanel doing Fever. That would have rocked the hizzle.
It definately isn't Anthony's style, but I think he got through it. The second half of his second song I thought was excellent.

I disagree about Hayley, I thought her first song was the better of the two. Boring, bland, and a weak, weak voice. She did look very good this week, however.

Casey's first song was done well, but it could have been done so much better. The style was fairly well suited to her though.

I agree about Courtney.