The Awesome Dream Thread

I had a very weird dream recently that I was sent back in time to my old school time and there was a guy who always was beating me when I went to the toilette! :lol:

well this night I had a very sexual dream(like often in the last time :zombie: )-but I cannot remember what about it was...
had a dream that I was in my first MMA fight.
before it started, I was in the locker room with some guys from highschool and they were saying random crap that I dont remember. I think it was about drinking, heh.
then I got to the octagon and there wasnt a fence around it. I tossed my socks and shoes off the side to a friend that was my "coach" lol
when the ref told us to come together I told the other fighter that I didnt know how to fight and I laughed at him super loudly :lol:
When the fight started it was like nothing was happening. I was wanting to kick ass, but I couldnt. strange. (I've had dreams where I've tried to run away from stuff, but when I tried the running part, it wouldnt happen. Kind of the same thing in a way) I ended up waking up exactly at 6:30. my phone alarm goes off at 6:30, but my digital clock is about 30 seconds faster. I sat there wide awake watching my phone to see if the alarm would go off. Fucking wierd!
Nerevar9999: Back to Jeff.
AzzMan: i still dont know how you can think born is wank
Nerevar9999: Shut up.
Nerevar9999: He is a little British boy sipping tea, wearing a very fancy French outfit.
Nerevar9999: With his pinky sticking out.
Nerevar9999: In a big big house, on the porch...In a wooden rocking chair. The sky is grey, also.
Nerevar9999: His outfit is has that white fancy stuff coming out of the sleeves and a neck blouse. The Loomis estate is obviously very wealthy, they're throwing a party.
AzzMan: im asking frisbee what loomis' house is like
Nerevar9999: That's a fake house
Had a very unusual dream this morning that Det Som John and I had decided to become Catholics, but part of the process was to make up a song on the guitar and play it in front of everyone in the church. There were a lot of people there doing this, and when it came to be John's turn, he stole the song I wrote and played it for himself! I couldn't think up anything else in time. :mad:

That's alright, I didn't really wanna be Catholic anyway, so thanks John :p
I was in line with some friends, (I think 3 of them), waiting to buy tickets to something. When I got to the register, I realized that it was like $43 (i think), and I only had $20ish on my credit card and no other funding, so I swiped the card and hoped that it went through... then, my mom called me, I woke up, and put $100 on each of my credit cards :tickled:
Hmm, I actually had a bunch of weird, short dreams this morning. My cousin came over with her two dogs she doesn't have in real life, and we sat in the living room which was also my mother's car. My mom went around offering everyone french fries from Wendy's and no one wanted any lol.

And, then I was at work. Not wearing any pants, until a customer needed help. Then I would put my pants on and go help them. I didn't want to wear any pants, dammit!

I also went to the movies and saw No Country For Old Men again, by myself. The person next to me in the theater kept popping their cigarette lighter, so I left, even though I could have just switched rows.

Oh and the Catholic church that John and I were in looked like an Egyptian temple :loco:
I wish! This happens to me frequently, I think up something cool either as I'm falling asleep, or in a dream. Then I wake up and it's completely gone :(
Haha yeah it happens to me when I'm falling asleep to. Then I have to decide if remembering it is worth getting up over.

Never in a dream though, that's pretty cool.
Dreamed that I was watching Poltergeist, except it was like a mixture of Poltergeist and Close Encounters. Instead of ghosts, aliens took Carol Anne. Then I dreamed that I needed to go to bed, but I couldn't because my mother was painting my bed sheets white. So, I hung out in my parents' bedroom from when we lived with my grandmother, and went back to my current bedroom later to find that my sheets had dried, and oddly enough, were soft despite being painted.

Then, I was watching a couple sleep and noticed a man in the room with them, with a knife. I thought "Oh noes I have to stop him!" But instead of stopping him, I started drawing and quartering the chick with a scalpel while the intruder stabbed the guy's balls. WTF. So disturbing that it woke me up, and I've been awake ever since :loco: