The Awesome Dream Thread

i dreamed that i went to the gas station and put about $20 in my tank, but then when i went to drive away, the needle went back to empty and then past empty and my car slowed down and then stopped and i think i was stranded somewhere. and it kept happening.

sucky dream.
I love dreams where they continue to change half way through. At first i kept trying to convince this gorgeous co-worker to date me (which worked), then I was all of a sudden visiting with old family friends, then I was attempting to get to the pub with my friends to play some poker, then I went to start my jeep, but the tires were gone, then when I attempted to call a taxi to leave, i dropped the phone because some japanese people attached a video camera to the glass wall outside and were kicking another japanese person's butt and doing something with his tie, making a bunch of people inside laugh.

This made the taxi person on the other side of the phone call the police because of "Protocol", thinking that a bunch of laughing people and a dropped phone on the other side was grounds for a fire, but it worked out because the Staples across the road was on fire. I then somehow met the taxi person because she apparently was in a building right beside where I was.

That's where it ended.
My dreams are so fucked up...i usually wake up in a bad mood. If the dream doesn't involve blood, gore, death and repeated scene's of men fucking my girlfriend then something is VERY wrong.
My dreams are always surreal. I'll be in an environment that is familiar to me and it will hold its own feeling (i.e. the feeling you get only from 'home' etc.) but the location and/or the appearance of it will differ than the actual place.

The dream I had last night/this morning symbolizes things too personal but it was pretty awesome, nonetheless. I used to record my dreams but stopped because I'm usually too groggy in the mornings to give a shit. I still have a log on my computer but don't update it anymore.
I love dreams where they continue to change half way through. At first i kept trying to convince this gorgeous co-worker to date me (which worked), then I was all of a sudden visiting with old family friends, then I was attempting to get to the pub with my friends to play some poker, then I went to start my jeep, but the tires were gone, then when I attempted to call a taxi to leave, i dropped the phone because some japanese people attached a video camera to the glass wall outside and were kicking another japanese person's butt and doing something with his tie, making a bunch of people inside laugh.

This made the taxi person on the other side of the phone call the police because of "Protocol", thinking that a bunch of laughing people and a dropped phone on the other side was grounds for a fire, but it worked out because the Staples across the road was on fire. I then somehow met the taxi person because she apparently was in a building right beside where I was.

That's where it ended.

I had crawled out of bed moments before I posted this. Figured I'd post it before I forgot.
I dreamed I was at work rummaging around a pile of clothes looking for something. Then I woke up and found myself rummaging through my own dirty clothes on the floor, the pile looking exactly as it did in the dream. So even though my eyes were open and looking at the clothes, my brain only registered them and not the rest of my room.
When I was crashing on a friend's floor in Glasgow the other night, I dreamt I overslept, ran out to the far-off bus station for the getaway bus, and left my foil-wrapped sandwich in their fridge. Intense.

But thankfully I woke up in good time and remembered the sandwich.
Last night I had a dream I was playing a keyboard, then I started to notice that it looked familiar and realized who it belonged to. I looked up and saw that I was in their house and they were coming around the corner towards me. It freaked me out so much because she is dead I woke myself up somehow before they got to me.
John's bump of the MMA thread made me recall a dream I had last night.

I don't remember how I got to this point in the dream, but it all started with me in a locker room getting ready for a fight. Apparently I'm a a UFC fighter in this dream. I had all my pre-fight gear on and it was just about time to fight. My team was making sure I was wearing all the right sponsor logos in the right places and then one of them handed me a big huge flag on a pole that had the American flag on one side and the Mexican flag on the other. I saw myself in a mirror on the way to the hallway as I was getting ready to make my entrance. My beard was bleached blond and I had a black beanie on my head. When I saw the blonde beard, I conveniently rubbed my head a little bit so the beanie would move around and I could see my hair. It was a buzzed very short and also bleached blonde. It was at that point that I realized I was the "new" Tito Ortiz of the UFC LOLOL. Funny, because I fuckin' hate that guy haha.

So as I get to the door to walk in, they even announced me as Tito Ortiz and the fans went crazy. When I got out there and walked down the aisle towards the ring, I could see disappointed looks on the fans faces that I wasn't the real Tito haha. One of them who was standing right against the fence in the aisle a ways in front of me was obviously not happy and shaking his fist at me as I walked closer to him. I remember thinking "Haha, this dude's gonna try to punch me when I walk by." I was waiting for it and then it felt like it took FOREVER to get to him and I actually woke up before I ever did.

Pretty anti-climactic dream, but it was fun/funny while it lasted.
The disturbing dream: I was living at my grandma's house again. We were the only people in the house, except for Batman, who was upstairs (the house was actually one story). So then some hooligans burst in wanting to know where Batman is, and I point to the stairs. They tell me to get out of the house while they do their business.

So I fumbled through the closet to find some shoes, put em on, and went outside. I went way around to the other side of the house where the carport was, and under the carport was a man stuffing womens' dead bodies into a big freezer. He had his van parked off to the side in the grass. He saw me, and I took off back to the front door of the house, ran in, locked the door, then tried my best to lock the back door, but of course, the door was a little too small for the frame. As he began to approach the back door, I called the police and told them what was going on. The dispatcher said "Wow" and that they'd send help right away.

But not soon enough! The guy got in and stabbed my grandma with scissors. I dunno about this point he no longer existed. I ran out the front door and into the street, and this guy came after me on a bicycle, still carrying scissors. I called the police again and asked where they were cuz it had seemed like a long time at that point. And then a bit of luck! The guy was hit by a car! As his body skidded across the pavement, his hands came off. Then the police came. Dunno if he died or what, but he was no longer my problem at that point.

Then I was at the police station doing my report and stuff, my mom called me and said "You were right, there WERE bodies in the freezer. He had completely murdered them!" Well duh? Then I started to walk out of the police station and that's when I woke up. Even though it had a good ending it was still really disturbing and realistic.
Hate those dreams. Really do. Goddamned Batman should've helped. Then actually been Derick. Eating a sandwich.
NoLordy Capone (11:59:11 AM): Some would call the zombie apocalypse dream I had a nightmare.
NoLordy Capone (11:59:15 AM): I call it fucking awesome.
NoLordy Capone (12:00:40 PM): Armageddon had come, but it wasn't the one anyone expected. Nuclear holocaust scorched the skies red and created permanent twilight... and yes, the zombies were everywhere.
NoLordy Capone (12:02:08 PM): But god damn man, I had such a large weapons cache at no point did I fear they'd overrun me. I just fired away with assault cannons and vehicle mounting miniguns to a soundtrack not unlike something The Crown would write.
NoLordy Capone (12:02:37 PM): I woke up wanting to headbang and kill me some walking corpses.

THAT, kids, is how a real man dreams.
Had a good dream yesterday (which doesn't happen much, or at all. Weird though because I got into an argument with my dad yesterday morning so I'm suprised my dream went well)

Got to fly around in an Imperial Star Destroyer but I was flying it around where I lived, so it was like a mini one i guess. Then I went into space!!!! :^D

Gotta fly around and shoot bad guys like on Star Fox, it was awesssomme.
I had a dream this morning that I was back at Heathen Crusade, and Max had brought a HUGE bag of cocaine. Like, one of those long plastic bags that newspapers come in. Yeah. Wtf, Max! :p
damn I don't have photoshop at work.

Someone get a picture of max doing his horrific screaming face and put the "I DO COCAINE" on it, that would bring on the lulz