the band Summoning

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Jun 25, 2004
Ok.. i bought Summoning's Oath Bound and is it just me but it does not sound like Black Metal at all... i can understand if they wanted to be Symphonic BM and such but to me Symphonic BM is Emperor and Dimmu etc.... this doesnt even sound much like Metal at all... just like Conan the Barbarian soundtrack music which i know is what they are aiming for because they are into Lord of the Rings and such... but at least sound a little metal... :rolleyes:
Erik said:
You knew what they were aiming for, bought the album and was disappointed when it turned out to be exactly that?

musical wise no i didnt know it would be like that.. thought it would be along the veins of Emperor or even Dimmu... lyrical wise i knew what they would have before i bought it but lyrics arent important to me on any album... but anyways thanks for posting a civil post...
J. said:
yeah, all non-metal bands utilize razor sharp black metal vocals


you must have me confused with someone who cares to read your opinion and someone who gets hurt by name calling but nice try lol ... :Smug: ... but anyways i'll amuse your little brain... vocals or one instrument does not make a whole album or band BM... its the overall effect of all the band members... this to me is more viking metal then BM and for that i rather listen to Bathory's Nordland albums which even though is very Conanish music still sounds more metal then Summoning or at least this album i bought... but anyways move on to your feeble existence J. may you get laid someday...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
you must have me confused with someone who cares to read your opinion and someone who gets hurt by name calling but nice try lol ... :Smug: ... but anyways i'll amuse your little brain... vocals or one instrument does not make a whole album or band BM... its the overall effect of all the band members... this to me is more viking metal then BM and for that i rather listen to Bathory's Nordland albums which even though is very Conanish music still sounds more metal then Summoning or at least this album i bought... but anyways move on to your feeble existence J. may you get laid someday...

you said "at least sound a little metal", not "black" metal. well, the vocals style plus the guitars (wow, two metal "instruments"...look ma I can count with my little brain) constitute "a little metal".

now let me go tell my wife you said i need to get laid
if its a dumb thread then dont post in it... its for people who can just give a honest and intelligent opinion about the band and/or their music without flaming... and i never said a band had to sound like everyone else to be BM.. but this doesnt even sound like "Metal" period.. forget BM or any other metal genre.. that is just my opinion and i just wanted to hear what everyone else's opinion about their music was.. that is all.. if you think they are no doubt BM that is your opinion and it is noted... i respect your opinion and others who can post without flaming... though i wont agree with all...
J. said:
you said "at least sound a little metal", not "black" metal. well, the vocals style plus the guitars (wow, two metal "instruments"...look ma I can count with my little brain) constitute "a little metal".

now let me go tell my wife you said i need to get laid

the vocals were "metal" to me.. but the guitars weren't to me or any other instrument for that matter.. but i guess we have different opinions as to what sounds like metal in terms of different instruments... but as for you and your wife... didnt know you were a adult.. always thought you were a teenager.. but hey my bad... have fun with her.. give her a little smack in the ass for me.. lol jk.. lighten up... geez :Smug: :lol:
MetalNoob said:
I gave an honest opinion. This is like saying Immortal isn't black metal.

Summoning sounds no where near Immortal.. that is like night and day.. Immortal being Night and true BM ... Immortal are truly metal and brutal in their music... great band.. just picked up their At the Heart of Winter.. one of the few i didnt have...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Summoning sounds no where near Immortal.. that is like night and day.. Immortal being Night and true BM ... Immortal are truly metal and brutal in their music... great band.. just picked up their At the Heart of Winter.. one of the few i didnt have...

I guess you didn't see my sarcasm w/e.
Summoning is supposed to sound like soundtrack music.
They might not be black metal on the surface (ie distorted guitar-music with necro production), but the music itself is just what bm sounds like. Melodic, classicist, ambient. Just played on keyboard instead of guitars.
Summoning are clearly a black metal band. Not one of my favorites though, as they are beyond cheesy. Absurd, really. Any band that would sing a song in Orcish deserves nothing but scorn. That's as bad as a band of trekkies singing in Klingon.

If you want epic and beautifully magestic black metal, I would recommend Drudkh.
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