
My simple side
May 7, 2006

I know, metal people have a good taste in art (ok, we all know it;))Let's say, that horror is a some kind of art too. What horrors do you like most?
I mean these most scary, cruel,.
And...if you've got on mind some bloody, horrific clips, place it here, too.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Why shan't we get to know our tastes, habits....I mean, we all listen to the similar music, why shan't we know each other better?This forum would be much more interesting, if we were not so stiffy with these all threads. I know we have all something more in common. Come on people, don't be so serious with this topics only about music. I just asked for a clips and movies. What's wrong with that? If I insulted someone, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I know my opinion is not only and not the most important, so please, if you don't want to talk about other stuffs, it's ok, I'm sorry, I won't distrurb to anyone. I'm not going to be brash with my own topics.
The thing is, there are forums where people mingle and get friendly. This forum hasn´t formed as one. Feel free to try to change it, I don´t mind really. But I have kinda gotten used to the fact that this is a "strict" board and concentrates only on the relevant.

As for the original guestion: I love horror, not splatter kind, but the kind that scares you mentally.
If there were enough people here I could definitely see it spiralling downard into the DT forum. The Opeth forum used to be just as bad until they made an off-topic subforum of their own.
The Children of Bodom forum is really ridiculous too, but I think they're all kiddies with nowt better to do.
I usually only go to forums to find info, pictures, links about the relevant band 9or to voice my opinion on the band/members), there's is usually so much more in them than on official web-sites.

But I definitely think topics like this one should go into an 'Off topic' bit.

I like horror too btw any and all types!
yes the children of bodom forum is horrible, the people have an own meaning of the word "off topic".
but i think if "off-topic" stays quite normal here it will be ok. i mean to repsond just in a normal way and not put "+1" or just smilies there.
the communication in this forum runs still good i think...

horror is great... the scary and shocking ones are the best