The best mix will be the chosen one

It's not even near finished but it gives you guys an idea what i got so far. There's no vocals yet and little to no automation, and i cut the song off halfway because i don't have the guitarsolo in there yet, not having much time on my hands lately, so bear with me :) Hope you fellas dig it so far
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I will confess that I did replace the snare, kick and toms. Pretty sure even the ABR drums are replaced with samples or at least layered with samples but you'd have to ask Suecof to know for certain.
I replaced the kick and snare, they're a mix. Toms replaced with his hits. The drums on Leveler sound pretty natural, but I know he's an incredible drummer with amazing gear in an amazing room with amazing equipment. I also saw in a video that he did takes of each song with only drums or only cymbals and if there was too much bleed on stuff he would cut out one or the other if needed.

Edit: Mix update, new limiter, sounds like a much cleaner master to me: Unmast 2.wav

(Sorry It's a wav file)
Tried to not make the vocals too overpowering like in August Burns Red...

As well as try to get a fairly close guitar tone again like in ABR.

Btw, I freakin love this song :lol: Also would love feedback on this one!
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