The best Plug Ins or Software for reamping Bass and Clean Guitars?


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2009
I really cant be arsed trying to record my clean guitars and bass through amps and mics, as ive tried before and they always end up sounding shite. So I was just curious to know whats the best plug ins or software to use to reamp then, with effects and different amp models etc??

Cheers guys
IK Multimedia's Ampeg SVX is actually pretty good when it comes to the bass. I'm only using the amp models from that, bypassing the rest and using custom impulses for the cabs.

I like GuitarRig3 for the clean and ambient stuff - it's effects seem the most lush.
I've had some success with Vintage Amp Room, on clean guitars. It's given me the most sparkly and lively sound. For bass, as mentioned, Ampeg SVX is the go. Don't look to it for adding grit though... all it does is round out the tone and make it sound more 'amplike'.

On that note, do you guys use Ampeg SVX on the broadband bass signal, or only on the mid/high track? In real life when mic'ing a bass amp one would normally use the DI for the lows (more even) and the amp for the grit/midrange. So I'm curious whether you actually apply it to the full spectrum DI signal.
I've only applied it to the full DI track. The amp model stuff does stuff to the lower frequencies that I really like. I think the ideal thing would be to duplicate the DI, and then apply SVX to one to get your amped track. Then either buss them together, or separate and THEN apply the crossover to have hi and lows. That way you still get the amp model on the sub 300hz stuff, but can still dirty up the top if you want.
I've yet to work out whether I like what the plug does to the low-end. Somehow it seems initially larger and more impressive, yet potentially harder to seat in the mix. I always seem to use the Classic model, as it's the cleanest and punchiest too! (just like in real life... my friend just bought an actual Classic pre section to use as a Bass DI).
Ermin, Vintage Amp Room really good for bluesy tones you think? I may have to d/l the demo and check it out. I'm still loving MKIII for most things, but I haven't tinkered with it enough to get a blues tone sounding good in a mix from it. Great bottom end and midrange, it's always the top end that crumbles once I hear it with drums :( But again, I haven't toyed with it much on those kinds of tones.

Haha, after checking out the audio clips I'm sold. Holy crap Softube wants like $429US for VAR and $199US for MAR if you buy it from them, SweetWater sells both for $299US and $179US respectively... You would think the developer would charge less for a DOWNLOAD versus the boxed retail version. I think I'll be snagging VAR instead of a Windsor. Thank for the inadvertent recommendation Ermzy.

Haha, after checking out the audio clips I'm sold. Holy crap Softube wants like $429US for VAR and $199US for MAR if you buy it from them, SweetWater sells both for $299US and $179US respectively... You would think the developer would charge less for a DOWNLOAD versus the boxed retail version. I think I'll be snagging VAR instead of a Windsor. Thank for the inadvertent recommendation Ermzy.


My pleasure.

If I had been around, I'd have posted a clip of some clean guitars I ran through this thing. I LOVE the visual interface. 'Sweeping' the mic around in real time with your mouse to pull tones is ace. Really dynamic and lets you find something that works well as part of the mix. I got something quite nice, lush, airy and wide from it. Though chorus, and panned delays external to VAR may have been used..
The classic 30 model is pretty kick ass imo.

Haha, actually, I plugged Revalver cuz I didn't realize at first that he meant "clean" guitars as in, well, clean (I thought he meant like unprocessed DI's :D), but that's cool that the Classic 30 model is good; I've actually never heard any clips of clean stuff with Revalver!