The Best Prog Bands

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
I was wondering, since a lot of you guys are Dream Theater fans, just what other Prog bands you listen to (Not including DT side projects eg LTE, Mullmuzzler, etc)

Mine are:

Ice Age
Pain Of Salvation
Shadow Gallery
Fates Warning
Symphony X
Zero Hour

Plus most Magna Carta CDs (shamefull plug)
Iced Earth, you can disagree but Iced Earth is proogressive metal if Ive ever seen it!
I'll give you Iced Earth, however, I don't think that they are quite in the same style as what I listen to. Its not that I don't like Iced Earth its just that I think of them as more metal than progressive. But I guess in a way they are progressive.
They do rock though.
Dream Theater! :grin:

(remember you said not to mention Dream Theater 'side project'...) :loco:
Well, apart from Dream Theater and all the spin off's,

Symphony X

Shadow Gallery ('kin great band)

Dixie Dregs (Jazz, fusion, rock, progressive stuff) The Dregs were the first progressive instrumental group I ever got into. Steve Morse on guitar..... you cant go wrong

Iced Earth




I wanna check out some Ice Age, as 7th has given them a big wrap in the past couple of days. Which of their albums is better?

Opeth (I reckon they are pretty progressive... switching from acoustic to heavy distortion..... clean vocals to death vocals... long songs that change direction all the time!)

Joe Satriani

There are more, but my mind is drawing a big blank. I'll get back to you!
Originally posted by Seventh Son
I'll give you Iced Earth, however, I don't think that they are quite in the same style as what I listen to. Its not that I don't like Iced Earth its just that I think of them as more metal than progressive. But I guess in a way they are progressive.
They do rock though.

I know what you mean dont worry! :)
I mean progressive in the Queensrycheish sense, not the Dream Theater sense, DT are on a whole different level when it comes to actual progressive music :)
Though Dantes Inferno certainly qualifies in the dream theater league (well, except larry is no john petrucci, but then again, theres VERY few people who can compete with him!)

BTW I always thought it was petrussi, no petruchi (if you see what I mean) and dint realise until I watched the sfam dvd!
If you can define 'progressive' then I'll be able to answer :)

To me, progressive is lots of funny time signatures and all that guff, in which case I'd say Dream Theater, Yes and the like. I don't consider Queensryche to be progressive in this sense at all - if they're progressive, then a great deal of other bands are as well.

And don't start quoting me various time sigs from assorted Queensryche songs as a way of disproving my comments, because I don't care :)
Spruce: I suppose you should start where it all started. Try The Great Divide. More guitar oriented. Jimmy Pappas (the guitarist) really shows off, he's almost up there with Petrucci.

The Great Divide is their 1999 album. One of my favourites (along with Liberation - There latest and second album.) This album is more show-offy, than the second. The second shows how good the group is at writing songs.
IMO you should check out: Sleepwalker, The Bottom Line and Join from The Great Divide (although all the songs are excellence). Check out all the samples from Liberation.

You can get samples for Ice Age here .
I heard Opeth mentioned :D

Opeth are so good. I'm listening to Still Life right now.

Searching my to perplexion
Gleam on her eyes...
In that moment, she knew

Oh baby! Godhead's Lament is one of the best songs ever ever EVER! I love OPETHHHHHH :D And they're coming to Australia!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :D :spin:

Thought I could not leave this place on this iminent day
As I've reached the final dawn to what's gone astray
What would they care, if I did stay?
No one would know...
What would they care, if I did stay?
No one should know...