the best

Dude, have you even listened to Peart? He is fucking amazing. He is the all-around best drummer ever

Sorry, no. He's very good at prog rock but he's hardly the best drummer ever. He did pretty poorly at the Buddy Rich Memorial show I think, especially compared to the other people who performed. In terms of speed, complexity, variety, and over all musicianship I have to say that Derek Roddy is the "best" drummer.

Lots of amusing choices in this thread. Serj Tankian is the best vocalist ever? Seriously? Dave Lombardo is the best drummer ever? Mark Morton is the best guitarist ever? These guys are good at what they do no doubt but to call them the "best ever" is either ignorance or poor taste.
Sorry, no. He's very good at prog rock but he's hardly the best drummer ever. He did pretty poorly at the Buddy Rich Memorial show I think, especially compared to the other people who performed. In terms of speed, complexity, variety, and over all musicianship I have to say that Derek Roddy is the "best" drummer.

Lots of amusing choices in this thread. Serj Tankian is the best vocalist ever? Seriously? Dave Lombardo is the best drummer ever? Mark Morton is the best guitarist ever? These guys are good at what they do no doubt but to call them the "best ever" is either ignorance or poor taste.

See I feel the exact same way, it's like we're stuck 20 years in the past with some of these choices, Derek Roddy is one of the best out there, and more like him have left Neil long since behind.
:lol: Twenty years in the past, means nothing if its about creativity.

I dont know if theres any out there that could honestly touch Portnoy and he was highly influenced by Peart. Yet I bet those who have been chosen by others here, who are more "recent" would speak praise of those who influenced them, once again leading back to the relevence of "20 years ago". Just sayin'
The best is not about skill, some of the most skilled players have not written a great song in their lives and that is not trivial, but you are correct, who feels who is their best is a trivial point to discuss.
Right, the best guy out there might just be one who has never written a great song.

Best guitarist = most skilled.
Best song writer = most creative.

this thread is full of fail. everyone should be judged in terms of ability to write interesting music because it doesn't fucking matter how fast you can shred. I'd rather listen to Quorthon play guitar than Michaelangelo Batio (and tbh I'd rather listen to Quorthon solo too).
^AMEN MAN AMEN! Someone give this guy a megaphone.

People keep saying the easy choices, as if VH1 gave them their list or something. I thought this was a fucking metal forum. I also notice my last post got deleted because I don't think that Steve Harris is that great of a bassist. Boo.
this thread is full of fail. everyone should be judged in terms of ability to write interesting music because it doesn't fucking matter how fast you can shred. I'd rather listen to Quorthon play guitar than Michaelangelo Batio (and tbh I'd rather listen to Quorthon solo too).

Yes, but the thread title is NOT "Who would you rather listen to" or "You'd rather listen to untalented garbage".

It's titled the best, and obviously through your comparison you realize Batio is far more skilled (better) than Quorthon. We're asking about the BEST not your favorite. :)

Example Warrel Dane writes great lyrics, but does this make him the best vocalist? No.
At playing guitar. Batio can play fast, but does that mean he's the best? Not really. It all comes down to personal preference and definition of how you define 'best' anyway
My opinion

guitardist- I don't have a personal favorite

bassist- Alex Webster, Stanley Clarke, Victor Wooten (SICK!!), Michael Manring, Les Claypool (you either love him, or hate him), Stu Hamm, Rainer Landfermann (Pavor), & tons of other bassists that I don't feel like typing

drummer- Gene Hogland

singer- Don't really care about vocals
Yes, but the thread title is NOT "Who would you rather listen to" or "You'd rather listen to untalented garbage".

It's titled the best, and obviously through your comparison you realize Batio is far more skilled (better) than Quorthon. We're asking about the BEST not your favorite. :)

Example Warrel Dane writes great lyrics, but does this make him the best vocalist? No.

it might make him the best lyricist, though.
the quality of music is not determined by it's technicality, otherwise we'd all be listen to Braindrill.

But I think it'd be easier if everyone just said how they were defining best.

I think it's pointless to argue about sheer technical skill, however. I don't really care who can gravity blast faster, I'm more interested in his badass cymbal grooves.

And Steve Harris is a great bassist, imo.
it might make him the best lyricist, though.
the quality of music is not determined by it's technicality, otherwise we'd all be listen to Braindrill.

But I think it'd be easier if everyone just said how they were defining best.

I think it's pointless to argue about sheer technical skill, however. I don't really care who can gravity blast faster, I'm more interested in his badass cymbal grooves.

And Steve Harris is a great bassist, imo.

Yes, the best lyricist may not be the best singer, the best song writer may not be the best guitar/bassist/drummer.

I would agree that because music is technical does not mean it's of high quality.

I care about both to be honest, kool grooves plus fast gravity blasting = awesome. :headbang:

I don't see Steve as a great bassist, but I like his music.
There isnt a best of anything yet, there wont be until someone makes it clearly obvious. for example michael jordan in basketball