The Biebob gig!

all right guys thanks to everybody for nice words, coming over, hosting us, driving us, inviting us, cutting flyers, etc. i really enjoyed that evening and i'm glad that first breaklose gig took place in front of all our mates. dank je!
Mehdi, my friend who was with me yesterday is totally impressed by Breaklose, he has been listening to the demos the whole day and I think he's even writing a mail to you :)
His quote: "If they continue playing like this, they will surely become gods"
And he's totally angry about the way too loud crowd yesterday :)
He's even spreading the news about the great band Breaklose :lol: He sent the demosongs to 3 friends of him and they like it
blame me for that L-A, i didn't told him you didn't receive them.. but he has all hair in his brains whose are fuckin things up
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Why did't you play sleepless and dying wish in London?????? and silent enigme????? and comfortably numb????????AAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

sorry satiris, we had more rehearsals between the concerts of london and holland, so we were able to get more songs in the set. we only made the decision about the silent enigme 2 days before we left. next time mate
Was that Autumn band any good? Why doesn't anyone mention them... They did not play maybe?

Oh... and to piss you non Greeks off even more, they played Nocturnal Emission here last spring. Hehe.
Allright I just got home from the Tilburg gig. It was okay, but not so unbelievably great as friday, a big reason for that is that the atmosphere was really nothing special now, the audience was much more enthousiastic in Belgium. The playlist was exactly the same as friday. I'd rather had some changes, to keep it more surprising. Anyway, it was still great :)
Thanks Danny & co!
Oh and the support act was boring. Holland have like 1000 After Forever clones, which gets very boring... They even pushed it so far that they actually played an After Forever cover. I don't have anything against After Forever, and the cover was well played, but all those clones...bah
This is why I enjoyed this gig more then friday...
because the audience wasn't that heavy responding then in Biebob we had the opportunity to enjoy the gig more :)
Thx lads! This was me favourite gig so far out of 7!