The Bitch Thread - complain about ANYTHING you want here

fuck classes, they are pure suckage. especially anything having to do with science or math. fuck them both, they suck. they can eat my ass.

the end records are being slow as shit again, but i won't complain.

those are two sucky things i can think of. . . i think that's pretty good! now i've jinxed myself. . .
Note To Self: Stop browsing through other forums. I get sucked into stupid discussions like that whole 'black people in metal' thread.

So many morons out there, it's unbelievable. I can't believe Markgugs used to argue with that lot about nothing for weeks and weeks....
You've been visiting GMD too much then. Every time I go in there it's Morons on Parade. Mark would make it pretty interesting though.
NAD said:
You've been visiting GMD too much then.
That's the one. Man, there are *some* people in there just looking to incite arguments. Just antagonistic buggers some of them. You've got to put it down to immaturity or something, I dunno.
Dreamlord goes in there and pisses people off, it's funny. I think he just hates n000000000bies and tries to get them to riot and kill each other.
NAD said:
Dreamlord goes in there and pisses people off, it's funny. I think he just hates n000000000bies and tries to get them to riot and kill each other.
Yeah I can't fall for that same bait. Half the time, even I disagree with what Dream says. Case in point: His disgust with The Sham Mirrors. I fucking love that album!
I love the Sham Mirrors too, and don't find it wholly different from Heims de Infernale, which I know he likes.

Added my $0.02 to the 'blacks in metal' thread. *whistles while walking away*
I figured I spelled it wrong... let me look it up.

:lol: Wow, I didn't know I combined two album names! (hence you saying amalgamation... DUH)

Fucking asshole "friends" that bail out 4 days before a concert leaving you with an extra ticket that nobody else can use. I'm never buying a concert ticket for ANYONE EVER AGAIN.

Anyone in SoCal wanna go to Primus tonight? :erk:
He's like 5 hours away! I saw him browsing the forum a little while ago, I think I have a planned worked out to avoid wasting a ticket. If not, I'll ask him, and if you're reading this and want to go Nathan, let me know!
You've never dealt with Los Angeles freeway traffic on a Friday, have you? 'Tis true though, aye. I talk to you guys everyday, and the closest of ye lot are in Texas. Other than rare appearances by npearce and neal that is.

Looks like one bro that was going Saturday will go tonight instead, and then the woman will go to both shows, thus filling the extra ticket void. Yes, I'm going two nights in a row, I'm a Primus whore.

You dumb fucking assholes, my computer is to be delivered today to SAXON Court, and the moron read it as SEXTON Court. It was spelled clearly, S A X O N, not S E X T O N. Now who knows where it is, probably on the back of the truck of some illiterate dumbfuck. :mad:

And I was going to download Asian porn all night... :waah: