The Books/Reading Thread

Nice! Yea, i'm a HUGE comic book fan. I actually have both his 1st appearance comic (Darker Image #1signed by Choi) and the first few issues of his first series from back in 92. This was during days when Image stampeded the comic book industry.


.. ahhh, the good ole days. =*)
^^^ That is my favorite book (tied with Blood Meridian). I've read it several times through and love it every time. People complain about it being too difficult, but once you get used to the style, it isn't that difficult
^ That's really good to hear. I've been anticipating this book for a long time now. The weird writing style is what drew me in, so that shouldn't be a problem. I haven't heard of 'Blood Meridian', I'll be sure to look into it one day.
House of Leaves is incredibly rewarding, one of the best American novels of the 2000s. Blood Meridian is a different beast entirely, but possibly my favorite American novel of the 20th century. But as far as unyielding horror goes, both novels deliver. Two fantastic authors.
It's no easy read, that's for sure.

I finished Danielewski's The Fifty Year Sword a few months ago. Not as good as House of Leaves by far, but still interesting. It's so hopelessly dense that I don't believe any kind of "accurate" reading is possible. The text is laid out like a poem on each page, and colors designate speakers but it's nearly impossible to keep track of who's actually talking. The story is also almost entirely metaphoric, although it isn't an allegory. There's something sinister beneath the whole thing, but I can't quite say what it is.

Worth a read, but be prepared to be, ultimately, confused.
It's no easy read, that's for sure.

I finished Danielewski's The Fifty Year Sword a few months ago. Not as good as House of Leaves by far, but still interesting. It's so hopelessly dense that I don't believe any kind of "accurate" reading is possible. The text is laid out like a poem on each page, and colors designate speakers but it's nearly impossible to keep track of who's actually talking. The story is also almost entirely metaphoric, although it isn't an allegory. There's something sinister beneath the whole thing, but I can't quite say what it is.

Worth a read, but be prepared to be, ultimately, confused.

That sounds absolutely awful. Colors? Why the fuck?
at least Fifty Year Sword is more readable than Only Revolutions. Fuck that shit.

Just finished reading Stoner by John Williams, which I recommended to Ein and Zeph. Interesting novel. One of the most interesting ideas covered in the story is the idea of the university as a sanctuary that must be protected and kept clean of...posers I suppose would be the best word. Charlatans posing as educators? At any rate, good stuff.
A text is many things. Why should we exclude color from the assemblage?

Because the words on the page are more important?

I just find the idea of putting the text in colors to signal who is speaking pointless and exists solely to confuse the reader and be "different."

But you know me and how I feel about that king of stuff already :)
at least Fifty Year Sword is more readable than Only Revolutions. Fuck that shit.

Just finished reading Stoner by John Williams, which I recommended to Ein and Zeph. Interesting novel. One of the most interesting ideas covered in the story is the idea of the university as a sanctuary that must be protected and kept clean of...posers I suppose would be the best word. Charlatans posing as educators? At any rate, good stuff.

I've been recommended this book before. Must check out; thanks!

Because the words on the page are more important?

I just find the idea of putting the text in colors to signal who is speaking pointless and exists solely to confuse the reader and be "different."

But you know me and how I feel about that king of stuff already :)

Indeed, I do know you. :cool: But honestly, in the context of the novel, imagine how much more confusing it would be if the text was all the same color...

Of course, I'm interested in theory, so alternative or challenging forms of textual representation attract me.

Just picked this up the other day; it's been a long time since I've had a Žižek fix.

I really don't understand how you read so fucking much...and I though I read so fucking much...

I just read my first Christopher Marlowe play "Doctor Faustus" and it's everything I dreamed it would be. Short and excellent.