The Books/Reading Thread

Oh if you like stream of consciousness, you'll get your money's worth haha. I remember the first time I read The Sound and the Fury, it was my introduction to Faulkner, and all I kept thinking was "What the fuck is going on?"
So you keep returning to his books?

I genuinely don't know what to expect from his novels. I just want my mind to focus only on the book when I start it.
yup. Even out of grad school, I'm still reading Faulkner (when I have plenty of time). If you like him, check out Cormac McCarthy and Flannery O'Connor next
Anyone who's a bit long in the tooth should remember the legendary Isten zine(starting out in 1984) from Finland, there was one done recently for Slayer Mag but Isten was the real authority in those days in the underground.This is 800 pages of old interviews, I've had this book for a while and will finally have a look this arvo.
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Man this thing is 804 pages with a nice foreword from Prof. Black. Probably the most essential book on underground fanaticism I've seen, but to answer your question yeah it does contain heaps of shit and some incredible thought pieces as well as interviews and stuff..this is a real labour of love.
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Finished this monstrosity yesterday:


This is a 'read once and never again' type read for me. I lost interest about 75% through but motored through because I hate adding books to a 'didn't finish' list.
Lol I can't find As I Lay Dying in any store in Poland, and the ones that are available are in hard covers. I despise hard-covered books, thus I ordered A Light in August.
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Finished book two of the Wheel of Time. I liked this one a lot more than the first book. The several story lines kept it fresh and interesting. The writing seemed more mature. Looking forward to the third book as I've heard it's the best in the series
Hate to break the doom and gloom, but Lord of Chaos sucks (which surprised the fuck out of me right?), and the series never recovers. You'd be much better off reading 40k fluff (even though it's not "masterful" by any means).
Hate to break the doom and gloom, but Lord of Chaos sucks (which surprised the fuck out of me right?), and the series never recovers. You'd be much better off reading 40k fluff (even though it's not "masterful" by any means).

Talking to me? You mean Mark Of Chaos right? As soon as I saw it I thought it looked like it would be subpar but dude, free.

Speaking of free, more stuff from the library.

I'm in it for the long haul. I've already resigned myself to it. I heard it hits a slump for a few books but picks back up when Sanderson took over

edit: also received the following in the mail

Arthur Machen The White People and Other Weird Tales
Neil Gaiman The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Hemingway The Nick Adams Stories
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Finished book two of the Wheel of Time. I liked this one a lot more than the first book. The several story lines kept it fresh and interesting. The writing seemed more mature. Looking forward to the third book as I've heard it's the best in the series

Hate to break the doom and gloom, but Lord of Chaos sucks (which surprised the fuck out of me right?), and the series never recovers. You'd be much better off reading 40k fluff (even though it's not "masterful" by any means).

I'm in it for the long haul. I've already resigned myself to it. I heard it hits a slump for a few books but picks back up when Sanderson took over

Yep, I ordered the second book, prequel and first compendium when I finished the first one. I've resigned myself that I'm going to complete the series.

So, I needed something 'lighter' after The Once and Future King, so I bought this for Kindle:
